N2A card questions?


Sep 5, 2011
Hi I'm new to the forum, I've been impressed with the knowledge base. I have purchased a N2A card which should arrive on Monday. I'm stoked to get up and running. I tried to research as much as possible before buying the N2A card and feel pretty certain it will meet my needs. I bounced back and forth over the size of the card, based on the FAQ that I could find I understood that the 8gb card would be more than sufficient if I wasn't going to use the nook color for vids or heavy audio. I do lots of audiobooks but I don't keep them on the droid.

  1. If I have a 16gb micro sd card is it possible move the operating system from the 8gb card to the 16gb card? I'm not trying to rip anyone off so please don't start on that. I just want the option of expanding my card w/o buying another card. Would I do a disk image or something of that sort?
  2. Will I be able to use the on board storage for audio etc instead of the micro sd card?
Thanks a bunch for the input.

Not sure about N2A but you can make your own bootable SD card of any size here and will be able to access internal memory in addidtion to the space on the SD card. Keep in mind if you access internal memory from the SD card though you are breaching the sandbox and if you do something wrong it could cause issues with the the system on the internal memory.

Thanks I am rocking the N2A right now. I'm having difficulties getting downloads from the market.
Have you looked at the n2a website? They have help for your issue in the FAQs and forums. I got my n2a card last week. I'm in nook heaven :)

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Going there now. I tried doing it at the scout meeting this eve but there wasn't a pdf view assigned to my N2A root. It's pretty frustrating, I was able to download before, and nothing. Before the downloads failed (error message), I was able to download fine. Then got the error, I cleared the cache etc for the market, now the download just sits there. I'm sure its something easy.

Well the dang pdf is missing for this very issue. Frustrating. Now to search here.
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What is the N2A card?

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Gloria it is a prepackaged root for the nookcolor. Pretty cool if I could get the market functional.

Got it fixed! It was the Google Framework. I had to force stop it, wipe cache, reboot. Now I'm golden. Very impressed with the speed and stability. Not so impressed with the battery life. It wasn't until 0100 last night I got it figured out. Tired but happy. I hope it will make it through the day (I'm a teacher).
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I haven't noticed too much of a decline in battery life. Make sure you put the screen in sleep mode when not in use (tap power button) and keep in mind that live wallpapers use battery more. Mine came preset with the blue waves live wallpaper, but I've since turned that off. Live wallpapers are fun, but I only use them once in awhile.

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Gloria it is a prepackaged root for the nookcolor. Pretty cool if I could get the market functional.

Got it fixed! It was the Google Framework. I had to force stop it, wipe cache, reboot. Now I'm golden. Very impressed with the speed and stability. Not so impressed with the battery life. It wasn't until 0100 last night I got it figured out. Tired but happy. I hope it will make it through the day (I'm a teacher).

Yes, the instructions that come with the card say you have to do just that to get the market to work. Enjoy your card!
Instructions? What instructions? LOL.

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Instructions? What instructions? LOL.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum

All N2A cards come with an instruction sheet that tells you that in order for the Market to work you must go into manage apps, find Google Framework and clear data/cache and go into Market and do the same. There is also a lot of info on their website. Are you sure you have a genuine N2A card?
Umm I was kidding. Its a Guy thing about not reading instructions.
though I did a lot of reading (not enough I guess) and it took me a while to root it out.
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Hi! I've been researching the N2A cards and like that option better than possibly messing up my NC. Should I go with a Gingerbread or Honeycomb one?....as you can see, I don't know much about them. Just want to be able to get into the Kindle market and also download free apps from Android. I see many sellers on ebay with 100% positive feedback selling these cards. Prices sure beat going to the N2A site. Opionions????? Thx.