NC - not modded - Email app - how to close it


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2011
We have an unmodified NC. We installed the stock Email App from the B&N market site. We configured it, launched it, it works sending and receiving. Perfect.

How do we dismiss the email app? I may be thinkng too much like a PC. There's no "close" or "big X" or any obvious way to get it to close. I've run my fingers swiping all over the screen, long clicked in every place I could see. You can't kill this thing!

Is there a way and what's the sequence to get it closed?


Push the 'n' button below the screen. This is your home button and should take you back to the main screen from whever you are at.
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Good advice JP. Welcome to the forum Hoibie, glad you could join us here.
OK, I certainly know how to get to the home screen. The point is, that E-Mail app is running and you can't stop it? I've read earlier that we shouldn't worry about the Android OS using up cycles. But I was sure there was a way to kill the app and relaunch it later when I want to do email.

So you just leave it run? What if I want to uninstall the thing? Again, I'm too PC bound with my thinking.

Let everything run that is how Android runs best. Don't worry about apps using clock cycles. Android is made to manage it and you can actually ruin performance by killing things. Unless you have a rouge app hogging resources you will not notice apps running in the background.

If you are really, really concerned there are app killers and taks killers you can get from the Market once rooted or running a custom ROM but these are not recommended. You should also get some Android experince before you start playing with these so you don't kill important services.

I'm not sure about uninstalling apps from a stock Nook.

To delete an app from your Nook, log on to your BN account from your computer, click on MY NOOK, then Apps. If you want to keep it but remove it from your Nook, go to the apps page and press the app. Hold for a second and a menu will pop up. Tap archive.