NC SD Problem [dual boot SD Card] help!


Sep 28, 2012
Hi, I tried to do the dual boot on my 16 GB SD Card. All was well. I was able to install CM7 successfully, but then, I forgot to copy gApps installer. So, there, I had CM7 on my NC, but I do not have any apps. I removed my SD Card from my NC, then plugged it on my laptop. A dialog box appeared saying that I have to reformat my SD to use it. I clicked OK. Then, there, I saw that my SD card was 117MB only. I tried reformatting again to regain my original space on the SD. I failed. So I plugged the SD into my NC and formatted it. Viola! 14.7GB. Back to original. I tried to redo the process on installing CM7 on my SD, but when I wrote the .img file, I didn't see any other files when I viewed the SD. I copied gApps and CM7 installer. I plugged the SD into my NC. No installation happened. I reformatted it again, but I wasn't successful.

Please help! I want CM7 on my NC :( Thank you.
You just need to carefully follow the process again from start to finish. Once you have the factory fresh formatted card you need to use win32diskimager to burn the .img file to the sd card. Once that is done use a partition manager such as easus to make the boot partition (the first one) about 250MB in size. Finally copy the CM7 and GApps zip files to this partition. Power down the NC insert the card and power on. You did it once so it is just a matter of trying until you do it again.

JP :)
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I've been trying to reset my SD card the whole evening. No success. I've tried using EaseUS and MiniTool Partition. I just can't delete the 117MB partition. I was able to delete it using MTP, but when I plugged the SD card again, I saw that the 117MB was not erased. I couldn't merge the partitions. Could you give me some instructions on how to factory reset the SD card? :( Thanks. I tried to search the net, but it seems that I couldn't get the right words to use in my search.

Thanks for your reply :)
Boot into the stock Nook and use the format function in the B&N OS just as you did before (Settings>Storage>Unmount>Format). Once you write the image it will set the boot parition to 117MB which is exactly what should happen. At that point use easeus parition manager to resize that partition to ~250MB (grab the right side and drag to the right then make sure you select apply). Then copy the two zip files and paste them to the SD.

Hi, I was able to install CM7 and it worked perfectly (for 2 days). I was able to provide a solution to that problem. But another problem has emerged. This morning, I left my Tablet charging under CM7 OS. When I plugged it out, the OS stopped to respond. I turned the NC off. When I turned it on, B&N OS flashed on the screen. I rebooted it, no luck. I reformatted my SD card and followed the instructions. When I plugged my SD on the NC for installation, it read, .... something something name should be in .zip... I had to plug my SD back to my laptop and reformatted it. Now, my SD cannot be read by my laptop though the partition is Primary. I reformatted it in my NC. Then plugged it again. When I opened Mini Tools Partition Wizard or EaseUS.. (I forgot which), I saw that the status is "Bad Disk". Everytime I plug the SD on my NC, it requires reformatting. Any solution to this? Thank youuu.
Sounds like your SD card died on you. Try a new one.
Thanks for the reply. I was able to solve that problem. XD haha :) I was not able to assign a Drive to the SD so it went offline. Now, I think my SD had died. For the first time, I left the nook drained while the SD card was plugged in, when I charged it and turned it on, black screen. I would see the green cyanogen mod loading, but it won't continue to the blue android with the skateboard. I tried reformatting the SD card through the nook, but it would take ages and the tab won't respond anymore. I tried my laptop, but it would also take ages. Can I still recover it? I also tried plugging it to my phone and cam, but no luck. Has it really died? Thanks.
Pretty much sounds dead to me. The chances of all those formaters failing is very small. One thought though. Dose the card have a lock switch on the side? I have seen them on SD but not micro SD. You never know though.
I think it became write-protected. I'm still searching on how to format write-protected cards. I've read that when an SD goes bad, it goes into a write-protected state in order to protect the files. The adapter has a lock switch, but it isn't locked. :O

When the nook is running on CM7 (bootable from SD card), the battery is not allowed to drain?:O

Thanks again :)