NC Stuck in Recovery - looking for help from you kind people!


Apr 23, 2011
Hello everyone!

I know you are supposed to search to find solutions to your issue, and I did so that but want to be more certain to receive a confirmed answer...

My NC - 1.1 - was rooted using autonook 3.0. I was trying to flash CWR to make a backup before getting into ROMs. I followed directions to a t....when I rebooted I believe I should have removed the SD card though it was not in the instructions. I am not sure what exactly happened. So now, I find myself stuck in recovery - it will only boot into recovery - I guess this is what a bootloop is. I have a lot of experience flashing ROMs so I am not entirely a noob, but with the NC clearly I am the noob.

From what I read, I may need to use that Monster pack? If someone could kindly give me noob-friendly direction as to how I should proceed, I would greatly appreciate it.

I am so excited to have this NC as I considered myself a tinkerer, but I wonder if I got myself in over my head because it is different and you really have to spend the time figuring it all out.

Thanks so much! :p
I feel fairly stupid - there was a guy a few threads down with my exact issue so I followed those given instructions.

I installed from SD card the cwmr_3.0.1.0. while in CWR and that worked. Now on to more reading....
Follow the link in my signature..and you will want to follow the post for removing CWR but keeping the root (post #3)

You won't lose the backup you made, this is just stripping the CWR recovery which will allow you to boot normally.
I feel fairly stupid - there was a guy a few threads down with my exact issue so I followed those given instructions.

I installed from SD card the cwmr_3.0.1.0. while in CWR and that worked. Now on to more reading....

Yes, it looks like you got it. You need to flash CWR 3.0.1 over the version of CWR you first boot into ( this will eliminate the boot hang when using autonooter 3 with CWR Let the real tinkering begin (because all real tinkering starts after getting CWR) :)

Thank you both. So, am I ok now since I have my nandroid backup and I am able to boot? Or do I need to follow Darmeen's instructions to remove cwr?
Sounds like your fine. That hang up with autonooter 3 and CWR is a known issue. If you catch that as the issue you can just flash the newer CWR and be ok. Too oftern people try a bunch of other things fist, like 8 reboots, autonootering again and such that lead to other problems requiring full reset.

Thanks. I loaded cm7 bootable sd. Question - while I was at the step to add google account and then downloading google apps, it force closed so I was not able to download google apps. I have not read yet a fix for this - anyone know?

Thanks! Now it looks like the android tablet I wanted....sweet.
Never mind...after playing with it for a while I noticed the market was there. Not sure when it appeared because it definitely wasnt there initially. I downloaded the apps from the market and I eventually got a message about downloading the apps or choosing to wait to make sure I had Wifi. So I got the apps back.

So many things to learn.... :)
Nice to know you got it working. First thoughts?

There are many things to learn and everyday there are new things but take the time and the rewards are great.

My first thoughts are I really like it! I am having some issues with application force closes but I will read to see how to address. Now I am ready to get this thing overclocked....that is next on the list. :)