NEC Announces the LifeTouch NOTE Netbook with Touchscreen for March 10 in Japan


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010

The NEC LifeTouch NOTE will start at 40,000 Yen (480USD) for a WiFi only 2GB+2GB SDHC version (total 4GB), 45,000 Yen for 8GB internal memory+8GB SDHC, and 55,000 Yen to have 8GB internal and SDHC plus 3G capability with NTT Docomo FOMA for an April release.

It will come with Android 2.2, Adobe Flash, Nvidia Tegra 2 (250) dual-core Cortex A9 at 1GHz, a 7-inch 800x480 resistive touchscreen, wifi n, bluetooth 2.1, integrated stylus holder, touch keypad, and a QWERTY keyboard. Input methods will be optimized for Japanese input, including ATOK support. When reporters asked about Android 2.3, NEC commented declined further comment.

Other onboard specifications include: GPS, electomagnetic compass, accelerometer, an SD/SDHC card slot, stereo speakers, miniUSB, and a 2-megapixel back-facing camera. Battery life is expected to be at around 9 hours for surfing. It weights 700g, with dimensions of 34(W)×138(D)×25(H)mm. It will come in 3 colors: Black, Brown, or Red.

Product Brief: PDF
Accessories: PDF

NEC also indicated that the Lifetouch W, a dual-screen Android device, will be launched between April and September next year.

Original news source with wrong pricing and specifications from akihabaranews via Engadget
Corrected pricing and specifications from
Additional notes NikkeiBP
Operation video:
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Will move this post if there is more interest, but here are the specs: > »•iî•ñ > LifeTouch NOTE

Thanks to naobsd: FUKAUMI Naoki (naobsd) on Twitter

The key takeaway from the spec sheet is the standard GPS on all units, making this ideal for mobile use.

Since many tablets require a carrying case, and that keyboard cases are high on the list of desirables, this NEC netbook with the touchscreen is a very nice package to consider.