Need for assistance: Viewpad 10S wants no alternative ROM


May 30, 2013
hello everyone,

I call on to you because I just got an original 10s tablet Viewpad, and I do not manage to install of other ROM. Every time the installation is correctly made, but in the first boot, the logo stays in the screen and the tablet does not dash.
I tried with those following ROMS: Viewcomb 7.1, Vegacomb 9n and 9b and same JellyPad and every time the tablet starts and remains blocked once in the logo just finishes loading after 1 hour long.
The only times it completely starts , was during the reinstallation of the original Viewsonic 's ROM, or during the installation of VegaModdedStock v1.10 v2

I am sure i m installing things right, even by comparing what I makes with videos on YouTube. Nevertheless the tablet do not work.
To date I reinstalled the original ROM, but without big interest.
Thank you in advance for your answers and your assistance.

And sorry for my bad english.
First sorry my english. For jellypad the first step before everything is format the sd, Partition 1: FAT32 primary, Partition 2: EXT4 primary. In my case i use MINI TOOL PARTITION WIZARD, you have to besure that bouth partitions are primary not logical, then continue with other steps.