Need help flashing Visual Land tablet


Dec 25, 2012
I am Haseo99 How are ya? I got here due to a question and I been looking for an answer
here my tablet's specs
Model No. 97FC
Android Version:2.3.4
Baseband version: 2.04
Kernel Version2.6.36_android ine_qgb@InetSoftware #10

I was wondering, can someone help me flash this into the newest Android OS?
is a pain in the ass not being able to get google play or the other apps that use
the new OS
Hi Haseo99, congratulations on your new Visual Land tablet and welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Enjoy your tablet and the forum!