Need Help Here! (M7206 Tablet)


Aug 9, 2012
Hey guys,
So recently, I have bought this "unknown tablet" with no specific brand name printed on neither its device nor the box it came with. It is running on Android 4.0.3 ICS, but it is extremely slow and you will get frustrated after a period using it. Here's the information about this device:
System Updates : build20120510
Model Number : m7206
Android version : 4.0.3
Baseband version : Unknown
Kernel Version : petter@ICServer #1
Build Number : IML74K

$busybox cat /proc/cmdline
console=ttySAC3, 115200 bootdelay=15mtdparts=imapx200:mmcblk2p7(randisk), mmcblk2p8(kernel), mmcblk2p2(system), mmcblk2p3(userdata), mmcblk2p5(cache), mmcblk2p1(Local-disk), mmcblk2p6(misc) sysdisk=132 memory_capacity=244M systempartlength=0 bmagic=0xeeaa0702 hwver=

This is a rooted tablet. I don't know whether it is actually an infoTMIC based tablet, but with the model number stated there "M7206", I guess I might be in the correct place.
Here is why I need help! This device isn't has a good performance running with ICS. It often jumps out of ANY apps that I entered and goes back to the home screen itself. Hence, is there a possible way to flash it back to Android 2.3.3? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in Advance!
I too have the same tablet :( sucks!

Sent from my HTC HD7 Pro/+ using Tapatalk 2
Hey guys,
So recently, I have bought this "unknown tablet" with no specific brand name printed on neither its device nor the box it came with. It is running on Android 4.0.3 ICS, but it is extremely slow and you will get frustrated after a period using it. Here's the information about this device:
System Updates : build20120510
Model Number : m7206
Android version : 4.0.3
Baseband version : Unknown
Kernel Version : petter@ICServer #1
Build Number : IML74K

$busybox cat /proc/cmdline
console=ttySAC3, 115200 bootdelay=15mtdparts=imapx200:mmcblk2p7(randisk), mmcblk2p8(kernel), mmcblk2p2(system), mmcblk2p3(userdata), mmcblk2p5(cache), mmcblk2p1(Local-disk), mmcblk2p6(misc) sysdisk=132 memory_capacity=244M systempartlength=0 bmagic=0xeeaa0702 hwver=

This is a rooted tablet. I don't know whether it is actually an infoTMIC based tablet, but with the model number stated there "M7206", I guess I might be in the correct place.
Here is why I need help! This device isn't has a good performance running with ICS. It often jumps out of ANY apps that I entered and goes back to the home screen itself. Hence, is there a possible way to flash it back to Android 2.3.3? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in Advance!

Some info requested:
What screen size? 7,8,10?
How much RAM... 512? 256? More?? :eek:
What capacity is the 'HD'... 4gb, 8, 16?

You obviously have access to 'terminal'... have you attempted to run 'su'?

It is interesting that your partitions are based on MMCBLKx... which means that it is (most likely) a REMOVABLE TF card installed in a slot INTERNALLY...

It would be safer, then, to swap in a DIFFERENT TF device (one preferably configured with a compatible 2.3.3 to confirm that Gingerbread works as expected. (you may have 'swapped buttons' or such if you are required to use a different kernel)...

Pics of the unit would help too! Just sayin' :p
Also... do a 'cat /proc/mtd' so that we can know for sure what sizes the partitions are...
I wish I could get an image of that TF card... it might be what I need to get one of mine to ICS...
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Some info requested:
What screen size? 7,8,10?
How much RAM... 512? 256? More?? :eek:
What capacity is the 'HD'... 4gb, 8, 16?

You obviously have access to 'terminal'... have you attempted to run 'su'?

It is interesting that your partitions are based on MMCBLKx... which means that it is (most likely) a REMOVABLE TF card installed in a slot INTERNALLY...

It would be safer, then, to swap in a DIFFERENT TF device (one preferably configured with a compatible 2.3.3 to confirm that Gingerbread works as expected. (you may have 'swapped buttons' or such if you are required to use a different kernel)...

Pics of the unit would help too! Just sayin' :p
Also... do a 'cat /proc/mtd' so that we can know for sure what sizes the partitions are...
I wish I could get an image of that TF card... it might be what I need to get one of mine to ICS...

Oops, sorry for the late reply! Thank you so much for replying my thread!
Back to the topic! About the info requests:
1. It is a 7' tablet
2. Its RAM is 512MB DDR3
3. o_O? My apologize because I don't know what is 'HD"...
But here is an additional information for substitution
4. Its ROM is 4GB max and it supports TF card that extend up to 16GB MAX

And yes! I had access to "terminal". When I type in 'su' in it, some kind of permission prompted me to either allow or deny the superuser thingy.
My apologize again because I can't understand the phrase "It would be...different kernel)"( P/S: Newbie!)
About the input 'cat /proc/mtd', here is what I get: No such file or directory
And here it is!:)
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Oops, sorry for the late reply! Thank you so much for replying my thread!
Back to the topic! About the info requests:
1. It is a 7' tablet
2. Its RAM is 512MB DDR3
3. o_O? My apologize because I don't know what is 'HD"...
But here is an additional information for substitution
4. Its ROM is 4GB max and it supports TF card that extend up to 16GB MAX

And yes! I had access to "terminal". When I type in 'su' in it, some kind of permission prompted me to either allow or deny the superuser thingy.
My apologize again because I can't understand the phrase "It would be...different kernel)"( P/S: Newbie!)
About the input 'cat /proc/mtd', here is what I get: No such file or directory
And here it is!:)View attachment 7778

When the Superuser:allow shows up pick ALLOW...
It seems that you dont have access to 'cat'... try 'busybox cat /proc/mtd' instead.
If that still doesnt work consider installing busybox... gives access to needed functions!

While the kernel (the linux base of ANDROID) is pretty 'generic', it also has specific additions for whichever device it is intended to run on... and even tho some are VERY generic, the setup of buttons (for example) is one example of things that can be changed to suit the device... some 'VOL -' and 'HOME' buttons are switched, for example.

I suggest googling the m7206 and see if you can find a reference to firmware for it... you might get lucky!
When the Superuser:allow shows up pick ALLOW...
It seems that you dont have access to 'cat'... try 'busybox cat /proc/mtd' instead.
If that still doesnt work consider installing busybox... gives access to needed functions!

While the kernel (the linux base of ANDROID) is pretty 'generic', it also has specific additions for whichever device it is intended to run on... and even tho some are VERY generic, the setup of buttons (for example) is one example of things that can be changed to suit the device... some 'VOL -' and 'HOME' buttons are switched, for example.

I suggest googling the m7206 and see if you can find a reference to firmware for it... you might get lucky!

First off, thank you!
As you stated above, I have tried to type in the input, but once again, the result came up: cat: can't open /proc/mtd: No such file or directory
Hence, as you advised, I downloaded busybox installer and installed busybox, not the latest one as it is not supported, but version 1.19
BUT the same result came up again: cat: can't open /proc/mtd: No such file or directory. So frustrating......

About the second statement, I totally agree with you because I have seen THOUSANDS of tablets using the SAME HARDWARE but totally different functioning system, in the web when I search for suitable Android 2.x firmware for this device. This issue brought to the problem as you stated in 3rd line... I have searched the web for like, yeah, THOUSAND times but all in vain..., hence i hope experts like you guys can help me to cope this thing up.

For info, i bought this tablet about April or May. I had a hard time waiting for it to deliver to my house (since I bought this from a China web store) because on the web it clearly stated there it is AllWinner A10 based powered tablet and with all the high-end hardware in it, promised to have the best of functioning in all aspects. The description are interesting but the truth is excruciating. The device is like totally slow compared to other AllWinner based tablet. I even requested for a factory firmware from the re-seller but what this jerk said that my tablet might got infected by VIRUS! First reaction, like any other will do as well, WHAT THE HECK? I have never heard of a tablet might get virus in such a short period of time. After a while, I went to the page where I order this tablet again and checked for the description for more info to search for the new firmware, what I saw doesn't familiar with me and the description about the CPU chipset changed from AllWinner A10 to Infotmic V10... Web store owners are capable in cheating, don't they.....

By the way, thank you once again!:)
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Okay... lets back up to some basics...

Do you have a camera on your pad? If so, hopefully you have screen capture?
Go to SETTINGS/About Device and capture the screen there.

Go back to terminal and
cat /system/build.prop > ('a filename' on your internal 'local-disk'...)
such as
cat /ssytem/build.prop > /sdcard/
(The idea is to get a copy of it that we can look at/work/play with)
If you have an external TF card in it, it will (likely) show up as /sdcard/sdcard1... you could put it there.

Try to get those and let's see what's actually there!
The information that i listed on my first thread are all the sections stated in the Settings/About Device (System updates and all that). My apologize that I can't do a screen capture for you because it doesn't have a button for me to capture it even though it has a webcam (only).

As stated, I type in the input exactly the same: cat /system/build.prop > /sdcard/
The result is nothing... It proceed to another new line: $
Sorry for not fulfilling both of your requests.
you wouldnt see anything... until you looked in /sdcard for the fuile

My bad on the about device... you DID put it there!

Try doing a cat of /proc/cpuinfo...
THAT should tell you which processor it has in it!
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you wouldnt see anything... until you looked in /sdcard for the fuile

My bad on the about device... you DID put it there!

Try doing a cat of /proc/cpuinfo...
THAT should tell you which processor it has in it!

OMG... I think I brick-ed this tablet... Should I open another thread to cope that dire problem first?...:(
WHY do you think you bricked it, and

WHAT EXACTLY did you do that makes you think it is bricked?
After typing in the input in the previous post, I insert my external sd card into the slot while 'Terminal' was opened and with USB debugging mode on. My computer showed no presence of external removable disk when i insert it into the slot, so I realize that I should have turn off the device then only insert the sd card. What seems so dismaying was when I turn on the device again, it shows as usual, the green ANDROID word, then after that with a Linux penguin(if I am not mistaken), then followed by a ANDROID_ word with the underscore flashing. For normal booting, it should have appear a word 'android' in blue then only it can boot up, but after the 'ANDROID_', the screen was stuck in black. What should I do now...........
What did you have on this card? An install routine?
Have you removed the card and restarted to see if it is still okay?

You may need to try the factory reset and hope that whatever you did hasnt wiped the restore out...
check it after removing the card first...

IF you end up resetting it... look around. There are PLENTY of explanations as to HOW to do it.

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I have an for my China cellphone in the sd card, but it is a MTK firmware, so that shouldn't matter isn't it? And yes, I did remove the sd card and switch it on again, but still a blackout...
About factory resetting, I have no idea how to do it because I have tried all kinds of combinations of key to boot in recovery mode, but with no avail each time.
About the last option, I have no idea too because I can't find a method which is compatible with my tablet...:(
It might...

Hold down <HOME> while pressing <PWR>... keep it there until after the penquin shows up.

If that does not work, try whatever exists for the phone. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately that's the best I can do for you at this point.... Good Luck! :D