Need help on adding a Ebook to my Vizio


Sep 19, 2011
I have a Android Tab 1008. And I have tried to add a Ebook and have converted it to PDF file. But when I open it there are some of the chapters cut off. When I open it up on my comp. It all there... What is the best way to add a ebook to your Vizio Tab. I also have Calibre and converted it using it. Thanks.
Go to for more information on formatting PDF to Calibre. Here is some additional thoughts: " PDF is a poor choice when producing documents to be read on ereaders. Some ereaders can do some "tricks" to help matters, but in general PDFs must be created for a specific display size, screen or paper. A PDF formatted for a letter sized piece of paper, the normal defaults in Word and PrimoPDF, just won't be readable on a small screen.

If you want to keep your MS Word > PDF via PrimoPDF workflow you must choose an appropriate page size, appropriate font sizes, and appropriate margin widths if you want decent results. Even then, the resulting PDF will display well on only one size reader.

There is an infinite variety of actual sizes that will work. What's critical is how they relate to each other. These sizes should work:
page size: 3"w x 4"h or 3.5"w x 4.75"h
margins: 1/8"-1/4" on all sides (left, right, top. & bottom)
minimum text size: 10pt. (you might get by with 8pt)
Using those dimensions and a properly configured PrimoPDF you should get a PDF that is readable on most 6" ereaders.

If you use a larger page size you must use a proportionally larger text size. With letter size paper you might get decent results if you use 1/2" margins and a 24-30pt minimum text size
Is there a free app for MS word. For a vizio tab. and is there a program to convert to MS word. Thanks for your reply.
I am still deciding which ebook format to choose. I am a Palm user and have been spoiled using Mobipocket. Mobipocket desktop uploads to my XP computer and I can convert text, PDF, EPub and HTML into my Palm for free. The best option for me is to use palm applications/or just change the endings which I am probably dreaming about. Good luck in your search but if you register with mobileread I am sure you will find better help there.
I am probably too late for this, but a good freebie is Sigil it can convert HTML or Text to a format which will fit very well on your device.
Under Word just convert the book to Text and save. Then open with Sigil and then save format you want.