need help with eglide 4


Oct 7, 2012
I got this eglide 4 last week. I'm using to type this actully, and I love it... but there are some issues that maybe someone can help me with? It came with android ics btw...

I have 3 problems i'd like to solve somehow.

I did download adobe flash 11.1 but it does not let me view flsh games (such as nanako crash) or watch streaming flash videos online.

I can use skype with the mic but not video chat

The computer recognizes that a device is connected but it says software needs to be installed to open it via the usb connection... and the ''open usb'' or whatever ity was screen does not appear on my eglidr.. HOWEVER it did do that 1 time and connected successfully... but not since.

Their csr tem is useless and tried to help, but in the end it seems that they know nothing of their own products.

Can someone help me out?

Btw its not rooted Nd id rather avoid that if possible as I don't know diddly squat about it XD
Not sure how much of this I can help with but some I can answer...
There is NO CAMERA on this device. Skype may work with audio only, but it will NOT do video. IF I read correctly, Im surprised it connected ONCE...
Have not downloaded the Flash yet as I dont play many games... Angry Birds and the Bubble Burst are pretty much it for me! I WILL get it and see if it will do anything...

Getting ready 2go2 work... will let you know after Ive been there...


Flash doesnt want to work on mine at all... but Im using that el-cheapo browser that came with it.
It MIGHT work with Dolphin-HD or something better...

I mainly use these things for videos/music that I already have on some form of media... tho I know the youtube app worked quite well the last time I allowed it to. :rolleyes:

Dont know how much help Ive been but hope that helped some! :D
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Getting an error trying to read my previous post... canty remember if I mentioned this, but reading your reply I think I forgot to say it XD

I have the 10" eglide 4 XL... it has a camera. I've taken poor quality pics and videos with it (perhaps better lighting would help, lol.

I've read that rooting it may get passed the skype problems on devices that won't support it otherwise, but i'd rather avoid it. I tried yahoo video chat and it also doesn't work. Do they need flash to work? Maybe my problem with flash is thet cause of it all?
I honestly cant tell you because I dont use them... but you may already have flash available on your XL (Not a PRO 2, correct?)
You can google for flash 11.1 and find a download source for it if you do not... It is likely that it will claim that you are not allowed to get it otherwise.
(Cannot understand the thought processes at Adobe... but I avoid thinking anyway... :rolleyes: )

Hope that helps some! :D
leeb said:
I honestly cant tell you because I dont use them... but you may already have flash available on your XL (Not a PRO 2, correct?)
You can google for flash 11.1 and find a download source for it if you do not... It is likely that it will claim that you are not allowed to get it otherwise.
(Cannot understand the thought processes at Adobe... but I avoid thinking anyway... :rolleyes: )

Hope that helps some! :D

I have restored to factory settings and downloaded flash 11.15 fo the second time to no avail :(