Need Help with Ematic Eglide Reader 2.2


Dec 26, 2012
Hey all!

I have had the unpleasant experience of searching for information that doesn't appear to exist anywhere on the net at the moment. I currently have the Ematic Eglide Reader 2.2 Ebook Reader. It's Model Number is EBW404B, it's Firmware version is 2.1-update1-1.0.0, it's Kernel version is 2.6.25, and it's Build number is V.18.ECLAIR.eng.root.20111007.153037.

Aside from that, I'm clueless about the CPU and the amount of RAM. I do know that it has a 2GB internal memory, and that it's about a year old. What I'd like to do is root it, and put a different version of Android on it; I don't really care for it's current version. I was thinking about installing Linux on it, however in order to do that, I'd need to root it, then find a compatible build.

I'm not looking for anyone else to do massive amounts of work for me; I looked around, and wasn't able to find any tips or tricks that worked with my device, and I'd rather not brick it by playing around with tools not specific for it. If anybody has any info concerning my tablet, I'd really appreciate some help.

Thanks in advance!
^^Learner, that isn't a helpful response. If you aren't going to post something useful, then just wait for somebody else to come along and do so. There is no need to repeat the same question I just asked.
You didnt actually look at the thread Learner pointed you to.... did you?