need help with temp rooting my mid7022 for calandar correction


Feb 3, 2012
Hi I have been playing this all day and found out a few things. Anyways I am trying to repair the coby caladar by installing a google.apt to system directory. Rooting and setting permissions to write should work. So far I have used z4root and just found Mount /system (rw/ro) and ran them and checked the permissions and nota still no write. So thinking that the system is only shell rooted I need a temp system rooting as I do not want to permamently root my device at this time. Anyone got any idea's so far everything is about pernament rooting

note: anyone know if this device is nand locked?
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Did some reading and can forget about temp rooting to write the system file. The 7022 in nand locked and can not write to the system directory and only get shell root when using z4root or super one click. You have to do a bunch of stuff to unlock the nand lock as in other post so not sure if you can unroot it other than undoing the changes. Sure be nice to have some bat files for that lol.
There are some custom ROMs over KTZ (another forum) that may have Calendar syncing with Google (it should works if the full Gapps package is installed).

Other than this, if you install the correct packages manually (no root needed, like what is done with Market), this may work. You need a compatible version with your Android, of course.
Thanks Ifom. New to tablets have a stock phone with andriod but learning quickly. Reading up on rooting and there is the superoneclick option but not sure read the sticky all you need to know about ... 2024 and states super one click version V2.1.1 works with it so checked out the superoneclick site [APP]SuperOneClick v2.3.3 - Motorola Exploit Added! - xda-developers and they are at V2.3.3 and read the notes and they have a section on nand locks with an exploit by checking a check box that says use ratc. Also noticed they have unroot function. Has anyone tested this on a 7022. I just got my tablet witch and new to tablets so kind of worried about bricking it yet lol. So far playing on it and on the forum has been pleasant and fun.
Having problems with andriod usb driver in that it will not install I tried a few times and said did not find driver even though I had the driver there. Any suggestions
Thanks for the video I am trying to install the usb driver to use with super 1 click and am having a lot of problems I have the driver with android sdk and also with super 1 click. I have tried plugging in the usb and looking for the driver and it stated driver not found. I have also double clicked the usb icon on the bar advanced update driver manually find and chose the actual ini file and it came back with a incompatible driver error so kind of stuck so far.
What operating system? Boot to fast boot mode and when it tells you to connect to PC connect it. Thats how I got my usb drivers installed
I am using windows vista 32bit did the have disk install and pointed to the files and outputs a no suitable driver for this device found make sure driver is signed 32bit so thinking it does not like the 32 64bit options
Finally figured out how to install the usb driver and it is now working checked with driod explorer. Now wondering about superoneclick there is supposed to be a nand lock unlock exploit in superoneclick and and am wondering if superoneclick works on coby mid7022 and also the unroot. I need to gain access to system files to install the calendar file and have a app to remount storage system as r-w.
Hello. You all know a lot more than i do about rooting and unrooting, but i got the market installed on my m
id7127 coby kyros without rooting. I'm new to using a tablet, never used a computer, but i'm 59yrs young and learning
fast. Theres not alot that i can add to the forum, only now i'm looking for how to get the adobe flash player up and
running on my tablet. So forgive me if i sit back and take info,for now, i'll checkin from time to time.
Thanks for having me in the forum (as i learn, i will gladly be back to let you know what i have accomplished.)