Need urgent help with google play store.


Jun 15, 2013
I'm new in this forum, so I hope this is the right place to post my problem.

I have a major problem. My daughter has a Denver Tac-97032, which she uses for playing games. It has worked really well for her needs. Last night I put the tablet back to factory setting, because it had started to run really slow. OH DEAR, now I cannot get into google play store. Every time I try, it says "Can't establish a relaible connection to the server". I can browse the internet, so I do have a reliable connection.

I have tried to log into google play store via the browser. This works fine, but it will not let me download. I get the message that the download will begin shortly, but it never does.

I have tried to go to settings, apps, play store, clear cashe, force stop and turn the tablet off and on. I have tried it a bunch of times.

I have tried to log into you tube, which I have read should help.

I have looked online all day for an answer, but nothing works.

PLEASE can someone help me. I have tried to solve this all day. My daughter is so sad, I'm it is a mess.

Welcome to the forum Tanja

You may need to go to settings - accounts and delete the Google account, restart your tablet and add the account back in again.

Thanks Leeshor. Under settings and accounts there are no accounts listed. My daughters google account isn't there anymore. Furthermore...when I try to get into google play store, it asks me to log in with existing account or to create new. Creating a new one doesn't work either. Can't even get to create a new one, since I just get the message that username isn't available. Even if I come up with a username like: fijijfdijfij34343jifjiejitjriej.

This problem is just driving me nuts. But as I can see around the net quite a lot of people have this issue with google play store. It is just that most of them are able to fix the problem by going to google play store under apps in settings and deleting data and clearing cashe. Or by logging in via you tube. Or by deleting the google account. I just don't know what to do:(
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You should use your laptop to make certain you can log into the correct account. If you can, go to settings - accounts and add that account. If you can log in on the PC but the tablet doesn't want to do that, do another factory reset and make certain yuou have a good Internet connection before setting it up with the account. I think the reset left it confused. ;).
You should use your laptop to make certain you can log into the correct account. If you can, go to settings - accounts and add that account. If you can log in on the PC but the tablet doesn't want to do that, do another factory reset and make certain yuou have a good Internet connection before setting it up with the account. I think the reset left it confused. ;).

Hi again... and thanks for trying to help me out:)
Logging into the google account on the pc is no problem. I can also log into the google account using the browser on the tablet. But tablet still says the same rubbish, when I try to use google play store ....Can't establish a reliable connection to the server....

I tried with yet a factory reset, but still, the tablet is just as confused:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: Nothing works.

This can happen when your device cannot find or connect with a working/valid Google Play server. There are several possible causes:
* obsolete name to IP address translation in /system/etc/hosts (if there is anything there other than localhost, the vendor made a mistake)
* DNS problem with your ISP
* geographic restrictions enforced by Google or your ISP (some get around this by using IP address masking proxy/relay apps and services)
* a problem with the ability of your router to support the DNS lookup (try booting your router, or try using a public WiFi hotspot, or a friends WiFi service)
Were you not able to create that Google account?

No, I'm not able to create a google account. Can't log in with the one I got, and I cannot create a new one either.
I tried turning off our router, leaving it off for a while. Still nothing. Tried the factory reset again again. Nothing.

I tried logging in to you tube again, since some people have been able to fix this issue that way around. But I cannot log into you tube either, cause I just get redirected to setting up the google account, which I can't.

Our other tablet works fine. The internet connection is fine.

It is very weird.... and why do you think that I cannot download anything to the tablet from play store via the browser on the tablet. I can log in that way, but the download never starts. Could this tell us something about the problem?

I found a solution to this problem. Now everything Works Again, and my daughter can play Dragonvale Again. This is what I did. I downloaded Root Explorer to my pc and put it over on the tablet. I opened Root Explorer, found a file named "etc", clicked it, mounted R/O, opened the file "hosts" with text editor, put "#" in front of the second IP, saved the file, rebooted my tablet..... AND IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!:eek::eek:;)
I found a solution to this problem. Now everything Works Again, and my daughter can play Dragonvale Again. This is what I did. I downloaded Root Explorer to my pc and put it over on the tablet. I opened Root Explorer, found a file named "etc", clicked it, mounted R/O, opened the file "hosts" with text editor, put "#" in front of the second IP, saved the file, rebooted my tablet..... AND IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!:eek::eek:;)

You never mentioned you had modified to the hosts file, a hosts file only contains one line unless modified.
It may have helped had we known it was rooted. You neglected that tidbit in your original post. ;)

I haven't rooted my daugthers tablet. I don't even know what it means to be honest. But I looked it up now...and no, I wouldn't even know how to do that. But the thing is, which I have also learned from all of this, Denver tablets come rooted. So I have not "modified" it at all:) Lucky for me that is was a cheap Denver, which has root access, because I don't think I could have figured this out if it had not had that. Lol...I'm a 36 year old teacher busy with being a mom, but I sure learned quite a bit from this Whole mess:D
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I totally forgot to say thanks to you Guys Again for helping me out with this. It meant a lot that you spent time trying to help, cause I was so sad that I had ruined my daughter's tablet. So THANKS;):D And also, if anyone else has a similar problem with Google play store, you can find a really good "walk through" on how to fix it on you tube. I just wrote "Google play store can't access a reliable connection" and the walk-through I used came up. A lot of people has that problem. Wonder why it doesn't get fixed by Google.