Netfix 1, android 0


Mar 2, 2011
Well, my Netflix on S7 (Brazilian 2.2 ROM) experience was short-lived! I fired up this morning & got a "New version of application is found, you must upgrade to be able to use application" error. The two choices are "OK" and "Cancel". "Cancel" does what it implies, but if you select "OK", you get sent to the market app, and then another error message that says, "Not found. The requested item cannot be found"
So, it looks as if Netflix has added something that makes sure that you can't run anything other then the "official" version of their apk, which can't even be loaded to an S7 from the market because it's not an approved platform.
Has this happened to anyone else? Did anyone find a workaround?
A no go on my HTC Thunderbolt. APK Installs fine and looks like it is going to work then back to the selection screen. I got a movie to briefly begin to play and I mean briefly, then back to selection screen. Installs on my Iconia tab but cannot play movie. Message says something like 'device is not supported at this time.' That message does not appear on my thunderbolt though. It appeared to me that other functions will work properly (ex: Modifying cue). Oh...i did have a drm icon in my info bar on my Thunderbolt. I believe it stated that I lacked the DRM license.

Neither of my devices are rooted.
I am getting a new error, I installed the version that doesn't do a device check, but now i am getting a DRM Error message and it turns off. I actually had Netflix on the T-Bolt for about 4 days before this new version screwed up things....