New A500, Keeps Turning Itself Off

Maybe you have a faulty power switch,the tab should not require extended pushing of the power ,5 to 6 seconds is enough.I had a similar problem on my device,so I sent it back to ACER service centre,and they replaced the switch and I have not had any more issues.
I was having a similar problem reported here. After going idle, or switching to standby, I would have to hold the power switch down first for about eight seconds, then three seconds before it would switch back on. This happened after the update to pics. I reset to factory default, and this did not eliminate the problem, although I did reinstall many apps so it was not really a clean system. I also tried removing the SD card but the problem occurred anyway. The last thing I tried that so far seems to have worked (for 24 hours anyway) is switching my Wi-Fi to go off and stay off when powered off even when connected to the adapter.

Keeping fingers crossed.

Thanks to all who have provided info here. It has given me lots to try, and I know I am not alone in this.
Have tried almost everything - not sure what else to try but a bad SD card. Anyone have this problem and find some thing that works ?
Have tried almost everything - not sure what else to try but a bad SD card. Anyone have this problem and find some thing that works ?
There a many possible causes for system hangs. Have you read and tried the suggestions in this post #9 in this same thread:

Have you tried the Factory data reset? It best to test that by disabling the google backup/restore when you first log in after the reset so apps don't automatically reload. Test to understand how the tablet works prior to installing any apps or setting up email and sync.
Mine does the same thing. I purchased it in February and it started doing this probably in April or early May. I thought it might be heat related but even using it in cooler locations it happens. Many times, I've had to try restarting it several times before it'll boot back up. I've had to do a hard restart many, many times just to get it to start. I didn't purchase a warranty so I really don't know what to do.