New and More Honeycomb ROMS for G-Tab


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
Just to give the community here the heads up, we have new Honeycomb ROMs available, and at least one new ROM dev online now too, including a ROM that enables PC-USB connections.

Things are gonna be interesting for the next little while I think...time to give the wife back the Huawei and reclaim the gTab!
So there is Roebeet's Bottle of Smoke, which is now Alpha 5.2. I have been running this one since 2.4 came out a month ago and have found it actually to be more stable than a lot of the betas that get released. There is no flash at the moment, but this is not an issue for me and having the HC more than makes up for it!

Then there is Linuxboxsolutions excellent Illuminate ROM, also very nicely done. I have only played with it a little bit, but need to do a deeper dive.

And finally this morning I found that has released his version of a HC ROM, tlbardelljr has created a ROM called Flashback, and this one supports the USB connection. SO, lots of goodies coming!
That is true, and encouraging. On a not so positive side, the info (?) from this thread claimed that HC would never see an open source, nor nvidia drivers, meaning that all releases would stay at alpha, lol. Beast ROM v2.2.1 - Page 21. Hope that it is not so.

As I said earlier...even if they do stay at Alpha I have found these ROMs to be more stable than a lot of betas, and even more stable that some phone ROMs that I have used in the past. Personally i am finding more than enough value here to stick with it. My tablet is a daily driver and I use it constantly for both work and home and have had no major issues in the past 6 weeks.
That is true, and encouraging. On a not so positive side, the info (?) from this thread claimed that HC would never see an open source, nor nvidia drivers, meaning that all releases would stay at alpha, lol. Beast ROM v2.2.1 - Page 21. Hope that it is not so.


Even if this is the case... from what i've read here and there the reason is that HC isn't phone ready and they don't want devs trying to port it to phones.... they are supposed to merge the tablet and phone OS's in to one with IceCreamSandwhich... we'd just be jumping to that when it hits.. right?.. out side of the drivers issue which i really don't see being an issue over time due to the ever growing dev community.. someone will crack it.

I really fore see this tablet becoming the common mans tablet... $250-$300 is hell of good for the hardware and hackablity... manufatcures are getting stupid with the prices on these HC tablets... I mean come on.. even the gen 9 Archos tab is rumored to be over $500 .... you can get a decent laptop for that ... these devices will be supported by the dev community long after the maunfacture moves on and tries to shove something else down our throats...
I really fore see this tablet becoming the common mans tablet... $250-$300 is hell of good for the hardware and hackablity...

even if it isn't a daily driver, it gives you a tegra2 tablet that is pretty darn close to the top of the line tablets out there. I know for me, I like to have a dev box to play with, but don't want it to cost me so much it is my only machine. also, a lot of the devs are doing this just to do it, so they are underwriting it themselves, and since the g-Tablet is the dev box it means it is also the target box...
Wow, I thought I was up to speed when I flashed BoS 4.1 lastnight... can someone post the link to where I can find the new versions as they are released?


+1 for everything Peter said. Historic flashback: I remember meeting other owners last year on the slatedroid board as we were playing with the Pandigital Novel, and we all kept saying, "YES it is a POS. BUT I can treat it like a POS and use it to improve my Android knowledge and skills." If that argument was true of the PDN, then it's 10x more true of the gTab.

OK, woops, everything is true but the POS part. The SCREEN is a big PITA, but otherwise I have a very positive relationship with my gTab.

PETER...WTH were you doing with the Huawei?!??!?!??!?! I mean, really. Whose side are you on? :mad:

I was one of those PDN users. :) First Android device I ever owned.
Time really flies...I can't believe that was *only* a year ago. Feels like 3. I think that's what happens with fatherhood. 1 normal year = 3 dad years!

Time really flies...I can't believe that was *only* a year ago. Feels like 3. I think that's what happens with fatherhood. 1 normal year = 3 dad years!


Only 11 months for me! One year ago, if you had asked me how Android worked, I wouldn't have had the foggiest idea. I didn't even know that the kernel was Linux based. Never had an Android phone, even to this day. Work gives me a Crackberry.

The PDN was slow as molasses, but without it I probably would have never bought a GTablet - so kudos to Pandigital for making a low-cost device for us to play with!
Off-topic, but: what did you think of the latest attempt to get source from PDN? The Busybox route seems, I mean...original!

Email pandigital about getting us source code - - Page 9

(Registered just to post this, but will stay & play. :))

I purchased the device to basically verify that the source code wasn't there, and to see exactly what binaries require source to be distributed. I actually am sort of attached to this little reader, mainly because of the price.

I have emailed Pandigital, called them (twice now), and am on one of their facebook pages (they directed me here! lol) asking for source code.

However, I also took the additional step of emailing [email protected] - that is, the GPL Violation hotline for Busybox. I have verified that busybox ships on the PDN7W (/system/bin/ifconfig of all places. I can post my proof below, if you want to see for yourself), and there's no mention of it in the Android "Open Source" licenses, or the user guide. You guys have been running a very admirable email's been close to a year: time to bring in the big guns.

I hope that when the Busybox lawyers start looking at Android tablets, they're going to start with this one. Their goal is compliance first, sue hopefully we'll get the sourcecode & a settlement instead of a lawsuit.
