New Owner - Some Concerns


Oct 16, 2011
Love my first tablet. I have been an adroid user since day one of the Droid x. Sony purist so I was thrilled when the joined the market and the remote feature should not be underestimated.

That said, I have a few concerns

No ps3 support out of the box - I know its coming but really??

No HBO GO!?! - Couldn't believe that it doesn't work on this tablet....what a let down

Social AP is good but landscape only?

Tethering issues..this seems to be an issue with my phone combo.


Any of your own?

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
X 10 here as well.
Im still trying to figure out if there is a place for a tablet in my life.
I really like the style, display and I know I have to be patient as new product will have bugs.
Having truble with tethering and the file system is a pain in the ass having to move everything to internal storage.
You dont have to move anything to internal storage. Just get ES File manager and you should be all set. I watch movies from my network drive with no issues.
You dont have to move anything to internal storage. Just get ES File manager and you should be all set. I watch movies from my network drive with no issues.
Will the music/movie files open from the media player?
Or do you have to open from ES?
Will the music/movie files open from the media player?
Or do you have to open from ES?

Once you select a file to play it wil give you a list of all supporting apps you have installed so you can choose how you want to view it yourself. so yes you have to launch the file from ES first. I personaly use Mobo player to play avi movies.
Was also suprised no HBO GO. +1 on ES File Manager for reading whats on SD Card. Still no regrets on purchase