Running list of Tablet S expectations


Sep 21, 2011
So, I guess I'm a pretty demanding Sony fanatic, because I'm finding a number of less-than-convenient aspects about the Tablet S. I don't know where or how to suggest fixes to Sony, there's no other forum that I'm aware of, so I thought I'd start my list here. Some, I know, will be released in the undisclosed future, but I feel should have been ready at launch. Add your own gripes and work-arounds, if you like. It looks like a lot of complaints, but I am overall very happy with the Tablet. Just, like I said before, I'm very demanding! I can't wait to root it!

- Video/Music Unlimited not yet released in full
- No Playstation Store/Suite (yet)
- Media can't be 'thrown' to a PS3 via DLNA. You must set up a UPnP media server on the tablet first (I like Bubble UPnP)
- PS3 remote play? No?
- There are apps that allow you to use a dual-shock with your android device, if you have root privileges, so why couldn't that have been an automatic option to play Playstation Suite and emulated games? Sony, i expect, should know how to do this.

- No dictionary
- only PDF and epub formats
- a number of PDFs I've tried can't be opened either
- Store front is fixed in landscape mode, even though you are likely to start reading something in portrait mode
- The only books synced between your devices are those that you buy from the Reader store. ePubs you add to your 'Reader for PC' program will not sync with the tablet, even if you connect the Tablet to your PC via USB. The only way to add epub files to the tablet is to drop them in the correct folder on the tablet, making the PC store completely worthless.

Remote Control:
- The PS3 uses bluetooth remotes, so the IR Remote can't be used with it. However, the tablet has bluetooth too, so why can't there be a dedicated 'PS3 remote' of some sort?
- New buttons can not be easily moved around on the Full Remote. You must delete them, then retrain them in another location, which leads to ...
- Only buttons that exist on the original remote can be trained. This may not sound like an issue, but my TV that it 'recognized' has 4 HDMI inputs, but the Full Remote defaulted with 3. The original remote only has an 'Input' button, so the 4th button can not be created. It would be nice if you could tell it a TV model in addition to the manufacturer and it would know how many inputs, etc. to include.
I have a few answers for you, but nothing that you or I will like.

- ps3 will be able to be controlled at some point in the future
- dualshock will be supported at some point in the future
- ps store was planned for early october but got pushed to early november. if you know sony you know better than to expect it to come out when they say it will. it will be sooner or later or sometime afterwards or before the time they said

I am in contact with a sony rep and can get simple answers but nothing definitive usually.

I do have some questions about your issues though ...
- there are lots of media servers out there that you can install on your computer to throw movies pictures and music onto your tv. why must you have it on your tablet? and if you say you are traveling with your tablet a lot to peoples houses then why not put the install files on your tablet and help a friend with their media sharing shortage?
- go download calibre and convert your books to whatever format you need. its free and there is alot of online support. use the bulk convert feature to load up on books before a trip.

I understand some of your gripes such as unlimited service - your wierd remote request - dictionary? really? - i think these are the exception not the rule. I am not saying that this list isn't valid. But the beauty of android is that there are work arounds for issues that the manufactuer can't provide. and if you know sony.....
@ viochemist
about this comment: "- Media can't be 'thrown' to a PS3 via DLNA. You must set up a UPnP media server on the tablet first (I like Bubble UPnP)"

maybe you can't add media via DLNA to the tablet but there's always another option
- Winamp app will allow you to move music and videos, as far as I konw, wirelessly
its very easy to configure you must have the winamp app in your tablet (also works with smartphone) and also install winamp in your computer and of course the tablet and computer must be connected to the same router (wifi).
- Dropbox app is another alternative look it up in the Market and watch the intro video you'll see its pretty cool and if you use both apps you're not going to miss DLNA at all.
I do have one thing I don't like so far, some apps in portrait mode are fine for left handed people but night right handed. I hold my tablet in the left and use my right to navigate the screen. Say the engadet app will not rotate for me to hold it in my left, this is where the magazine design failed me but other than that its been phenomenal. I understand that this is the app makers faults but I hope this will be addressed with ice cream.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
That's good news about the PS3 control options, I hadn't seen anything about that yet. And, yes, I agree with the sentiment about waiting for Sony to do what they say they will.

So, in regards to the media server, my TV is not DLNA capable, so I use PS3 Media Server on my computer to watch whatever media I want by browsing for it on my PS3. When I was being sold the tablet, I had asked specifically about throwing media to the TV via the PS3 and was told it was possible. I was sold on the tablet for the potential convenience of having one device to do everything, but it's certainly not something I 'needed' (i'm not sure anyone actually 'needs' a tablet :) ). PMS I find is still the best for watching any type of media, as many formats, particularly mkv, are incompatible with the Android Apps I've found.

With respect to the Reader, I admit that an included dictionary is maybe asking too much. I really like that aspect of my Kindle though, but I realize that the Kindle App also doesn't have anything more than what the Reader App offers (google, wikipedia). And when it comes to converting files, I simply prefer not to be hassled by it. Why can't one app read everything? Kindle doesn't do epub, Sony doesn't do mobi, but with both I can read everything. It's, again, just a convenience issue.

I don't know what you mean by my 'weird remote request' though. Clearly the device defaults with buttons that aren't on the standard remote, I would just like to know how to add those.

I don't really have much issue transferring files to/from my tablet. That's pretty simple via usb, bluetooth, or SD card. I haven't really tried via DLNA. I have connected to other media servers, and that works fine. I had some issue with WMP, I think, but I can't remember what and I wasn't horribly interested in figuring it out. I'll give Winamp a try. It's been a long time since I've used that.

Finally, something new ... my audio was not working at all this morning and I had to reboot the tablet. It could be a fluke, but I'll keep an eye out for that happening again.
You can program and name your own buttons for sure. I programmed the on demand button to a friends cable box just to test.
Anyone have any news on PS3 remote play functionality for the Tablet S? I just bought one and it's absurd that this isn't built in. No wonder Sony is doing so poorly.