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I think the big prohblem is that Android on an Intel processor can't run Flash Player like it can on an ARM processor. With that said I think someone on XDA has posted a version of Flash, (actually a workaround of some kind), that will run. Probably still wouldn't help with MLB

Thanks for the reply..........guess I'll just have to live with it. I love the Memo, I'd adore it if I had MLB......thanks
Think I got it leeshor.....but If I run into a problem I feel we are going to be the best of friends...:)

Thanks again for taking the time to I mentioned perhaps if I do this a few times I'll get the process down.

My MEMO is running 4.2.2 Jelly Bean if that makes a difference........again THANK YOU...!!!

Spider and leeshor.....when I take a pic or video it appears in the gallery and in the camera folder on the sd card. I can move them from the camera folder to the picture folder on the card. When I try to delete from the gallery they are deleted from the card as well. Is this what happens ? If I keep them in the gallery is this not the internal memory on the tablet ?

Thanks guys..........told ya I'm going to be your best friend.
Yes, sorta. What is in the Gallery is only a thumbnail of what you see in those folders. It does take space but not as much as the original as it is only a cache. you. So I'm to leave the gallery alone and move the pics and video to the sd card. You that man leeshor..!!! Thank you much....