New to Android tablet - need help please


Dec 18, 2011
Hi there I have purchased two Google-Android-M009-2-2-7-PC-Tablet-4GB and both do not seem to be working correctly.

One seems to works fine but everytime I touch the keyboard on screen it switches off, goes blank screen. This also happens when trying to play music, as soon as
you touch to play it goes blank screen and you have to turn it on again? Help Please.

The other one, does not start up with the Android robot like the other one, I can not do anything with it as nothing you touch on the screen moves or does anything so the touch screen
does not seem to work.

I am hoping that I will not have to send both back as these are XMAS presents for my two boys and I have nothing else to replace these with. So I am in a bit of a predicament.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!!