New Version Jellybean


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2013
Hey! What's the latest version now of jellybean and when is the release of its new version. I have a samsung galaxy tab p1000 and i havent upgraded for sometime already. Would love to hear from you.
The latest and last version of Jellybean is 4.3. KitKat 4.4 is now being installed on all Google Nexus devices.

To bad Mfg's that are not Google more then likely will "NEVER" upgrade you to even the next upgraded version of the OS your using now that came on your tablet.
I'm running stock 4.2.2 with very little hope of getting 4.3 let alone 4.4. :(
So, true! I purchased my Acer barely a year ago running stock Jellybean 4.1.2 and its been stuck there, ever since. The only company that I am aware of, other than Google, that will be shipping with KitKat installed is Polaroid and its recently announced Q series.
Unfortunately, I remember reading a post on a Samsung forum that the original Grand will never be updated to KitKat 4.4, as Samsung has already stated that 4.2.2 will be the last update for Grand.