New Ztab purchased


Nov 22, 2010
A friend and I just got back from China and while over there bought a couple of Ztabs. Loving them so far. As has been said else where these are the same as the gtabs except with more memory. One software issue has come up and that is after switching out the stock rom the dock status is backwards. It thinks it is docked when it isn't and isn't when it is. It has happened with multiple ROMS including at least VEGAn and TnT harmony and lite.Anyone else had this issue? You can imagine the useless results when I went googling for issues with "dock" and such.
that's definitely funky...but no, I have not heard of this before...sorry.
What's a ztab?

Basically the same as the gtab but in China. The tabs are almost identical except I believe a tad more memory and 3g capabilities.

There is a ROM out dubbed 'zpad' that was ported over for us pulled from the malata source. A majority of the accessories that are floating around (docks, cases, screen protectors) all really stem from it.

Hope that helps some :)

...sent from my ' un-stock' vibrant
So far it is full of large amounts of Win. I plan to open it up this weekend and see how similar the insides are to the gtab. The sim slot is present, even if the 3G module is not. I'm hoping that if they didn't bother removing that they also didn't bother changing the assembly process regarding the header needed to pop a GSM module in.

As to memory, it has 1GB of memory and the same 16GB of internal storage that the Gtab has. I also two docks so it would be nice to sort out this dock issue.
Which 'dock' issue are you referring to ?

It thinks it is docked when it isn't and isn't docked when it is. It is sitting on my desk right now docked. If i hit "home" it doesn't launch the clock/dock app. If I pull it off the dock, it immediately launches the clock/dock app indicating that it thinks it has been docked. In short, it has the universe backwards. Weird, no? This happens with all custom roms I've tried and also happens with my friend's ztab.