Newbie M532 owner in tears, contemplating Hara Kiri!!!

Bill Paterson

Junior Member
Aug 9, 2014
Hi Folks, newbie m532 owner, splashed out on docking unit, getting to know the new toy and all its many quirks!!! Question 1 of 497, :) Fujitsu Ireland say standard Irish sim fits slot, not my experience, anyone help? Was thinking of a Bluetooth keyboard, are generics compatible? Has anyone else thought of frisbeeing tablet into the ocean? If I type one more space for an m or an extra g after ing I will launch it!!! All replies gratefully received, thanks for a space to vent my ire. Bill
slow down there "wild bill" ...try an "American" sim an may b it will fit
hav u looked at the "size" of the sim 2 fit it?
also check out some of the forums there's help ...u just gotta look!
hang on 2 that tablet u'll figure it out ,b paitent.
slow down there "wild bill" ...try an "American" sim an may b it will fit
hav u looked at the "size" of the sim 2 fit it?
also check out some of the forums there's help ...u just gotta look!
hang on 2 that tablet u'll figure it out ,b paitent.
slow down there "wild bill" ...try an "American" sim an may b it will fit
hav u looked at the "size" of the sim 2 fit it?
also check out some of the forums there's help ...u just gotta look!
hang on 2 that tablet u'll figure it out ,b paitent.
Hi Tinkler, thanks for that, us wrinklies and technology don't mix, certainly not this one, unless it makes some kind of sense. Am the logical type but can also be outside the box, this tablet gismo is outside this universe, no logic at all. Design is very poor, docking unit at a crazy angle, forces you to buy keyboard. Screen keyboard suitable for contortionist. No sensible instructions.......and on and on, ad infinitum. Have done a deal with son for his old laptop, watch this space for news of laptop being torched, hammered and liquidised!! Thanks again for trying to cheer me up, lost cause in this case. :)