Nexus 7 Screen Washout and Ghosting a Potential Widespread Issue?


Staff member
Dec 5, 2011

We may have stumbled onto a small and isolated issue with the Nexus 7 Tablet, or we may have just uncovered a bigger problem with the screens on the Nexus 7. Today we received a shipment of three (3) Nexus 7 Tablets for office and development use, and noticed shortly after setting them up that one of them exhibited a washed-out screen that was also plagued with "ghosting." For those of you unfamiliar with the term ghosting, it simply means that whatever image/widgets/apps/clock etc was on the screen previously, they are still barely visible when you move or swipe to another screen. The picture above is a prime example of ghosting. You can see the time is still barely visible after unlocking the Tablet.

In case you are wondering why we take such terribly washed out pictures, we can tell you that is not the fault of the camera. This is how the screen looked after taking it out of sleep mode and moving through the various screens. So what did we do to try and fix this issue. First in the line of business was to go to the obvious and play with the brightness settings. That was a no go. Next up was to shut the device down completely. Upon restarting the tablet we finally fixed the problem....or not. The same issue reared it's ugly head once again. Now it was time to take radical measures to get this problem fixed. When all else fails, reset. Much to our disappointment the reset did not work. We'd like to note that the problem didn't instantly appear. It happened approximately an hour later after setting up the tablet.

This all may be just an isolated incident with only a few devices affected, but we can't be sure until more units hit customers hands. We did notice however that a user on XDA seems to be suffering through the same problem. We have reached out to Google to see if this is just an isolated problem and will report back if we hear anything. For inquiring minds our units came via the Play Store. We'd love to hear if anyone else is experiencing this issue, so please sound off in the comments and let us know.



Source: Nexus Tablets
I received my Nexus 7 yesterday. Ordered from the Play Store and I am experiencing the ghosting problem. The washout problem goes away after a few minutes of use. The ghosting becomes less severe, but never goes away.
I have had my Nex 7 for just over 14 days and was using it this morning at work....30 minutes later, turned the device on and it is white washed just like the photos. I am currently on hold waiting for a Google representative to pick up my call. I assume I will be exchanging this.
Just got off the phone with Google. After the rep asked me to perform a factory reset, the issue still persisted so they are sending a replacement to me, then I send my existing back. Pretty easy deal but I hope Google doesn't have to recall all of these!!

I joined this forum to share my experience. I bought the Nexus 7 and it arrived this morning, only to find it has the exact issue.

I rang Google support and was told to perform a factory reset, even though the device was brand new out of the box. I was then told if this doesn't work to let the battery run down completely and then see if the problem goes away. I'm doing that at the moment so I'll report back in a few hours.

If this doesn't work, Google said they will replace my device. I asked the Google support representative if this was a known issue, and he said "other users have reported the problem, and it is known to us". Might not be very isolated.


After wiping the device and letting the battery run down the problem still persists.

It's strange because after a bit of use, the screen warms up and the ghosting stops. I think that means the connection must be loose, perhaps. Now to see how good Google's returns policy is.

I got my nexus 7 2 weeksago dont have this problem.I called for google reps for different reason and alway was very helpfull

their number 855 836-3987
I have had my Nexus since July 29th. Last night I came across this issue. Once I noticed this issue on a couple of boards I got on the phone with Google. The representative had me do the factory reset. However, I will note that his instructions went something along the lines of: "Ok...we are going to have you try the factory reset. But, while you are doing that, I'm going to start filling out the RMA information so you can send it back to us."

So, it sounds like Google is getting a few of these calls and are just sending out RMA's for an exchange.

Good luck everyone.

Welcome to the world of Asus manufactured tablets!

I have had my transformer prime for 10 months and it has numerous problems. Not ghosting, however.

Good luck to all g7 owners. My .02. Stay away from Asus.