Nexus 7 Won't Download Programs from the Web


Jan 7, 2013
Hello, I have a Nexus 7 32GB tablet. I am trying to download some of my favorite software; (like)post-it notes, My choice of Bible download, and Word Web(dictionary), etc, etc. I have toggled it so I can download programs from the web other than those through Google Play Store. However, so far it won't let me download anything?? Nothing from outside the the Google Play Store. I did download several programs from the Google Play Store but I get constant ad pop-ups. Example, I downloaded the Recipe app from the google store. I get a constant nag screen pop-up for an application to store pictures called Dropbox. I download Dropbox but continue to get pop-ups in the middle of the recipe. I would rather go online and download the programs I would like to use. I own Paint Shop Pro 12 purchased online but it won't let me add it to my Nexus 7. It times out before it downloaded. I tried to download Firefox to download through there but it won't install either. It is not my connection. It just seems very territorial and doesn't want anything other than google choices on the tablet. I definitely must have my Bible choice and Paint Shop Pro 12 on this tablet. Will they act differently on this android tablet? Would I have more freedom with a Samsung Galaxy? Thank You!
You have the best tablet on the market as far as I am concerned. I will have to give you question some thought and get back to you. It sounds like you have toggled the right things but I will have to look up some other ideas first. The Nexus should not give you problems with third party apps.
The programs you are trying to download don't sound like android apps, You do know you can't install windows programs on android right? Only android programs can run on android.
The programs you are trying to download don't sound like android apps, You do know you can't install windows programs on android right? Only android programs can run on android.

Yes, this is it. You can only install apps from an app store like Play Store or Amazon on Android devices. You cannot use regular PC programs. If you have checked the box in settings for unknown sources it allows you to download and install apps from places other than the Google Play Store (Amazon for example) but you still have to download and install apps specific for Android.

You may not get the exact programs you want from the app stores but there are plenty of equivalents. There are hundreds of bible and paint shop apps available in the Play Store. Try a few out (many are free) and find you you like.

The programs you are trying to download don't sound like android apps, You do know you can't install windows programs on android right? Only android programs can run on android.

I am new to tablets. I did not know I wasn't able add some trusted programs to this tablet. I will download through the play store but hopefully I don't get those nag screens. And hopefully, it doesn't cost more to do everyday tasks on this tablet. Thank you for your timely information.
There are many free apps in the Google Play Store but they are generally subsidized with advertising or even in app purchase capabilities (for additional app accessories and features for example). This is part of the new strategy for developers to make money. The other option is to buy the app and avoid the ads. While many people are not use to this a'la cart pricing for programs (apps) they use, it is the new way software is being handled and there isn't much you can do to avoid it going forward.

Depending on what your "everyday" uses are there is a good chance you will need to buy an app or get an app with ads to accomplish it.
It looks like some other guys came in with some very good advice. My next question to you was where were you downloading these apps from on the internet, other than Google Play or Amazon App store. There are a few other app stores that cater to android as well but they pretty much all have the same apps as the two big guys I mentioned anyway.

Also, when you download an Android app from a website it will go into your Download folder. That is an app in the app tray of your device. There you will have to click on the download and then click through a couple of "yes, I agree" prompts before it installs.

I will continue to monitor this thread and we will get you through this. We are all here to help each other.
So far I don't have anything in the download folder. It always timed out before the finish. I would think that at least the apps through Google Play Store would be there but no downloads show from the store. They are on the desktop screen. I got alot of denials through Google Chrome; 'this program does not work on Android'. I thought maybe it was the browser so I downloaded Firefox. Firefox downloaded ok but couldn't get any programs to download from it. I now know it only accepts apps from certain places as you said. I understand now to keep moving if it says 'this program or application does not work on Android'. But still trying to figure out the 'timed-out, keep trying' screen I keep getting. I haven't had any trouble downloading from the Play store. Recipe app, a couple of newspapers, avast mobile and Dropbox through the play store.

Also, I find I can not surf on my office desktop laptop and surf on the tablet at the same time. Both have good connections. I have to close the browser on one or the other down to use them. I learned to close the browser on my laptop(not shutdown but just cancel out of browser on laptop) very early on so I could use the tablet. I have a new Cisco Linksys E2500 Dual-Band Wireless Router locked down with passwords, etc.