No flash?


Aug 25, 2012
So i just got my tablet yesterday and I love it but the flash wont install. It just says that it is not available for my country but some of my apps won't work without it. Any one else having this issue?
I am having the same issue. HELP I hope someone out there can help. Just learning to use this is hard enough, but we need a flash player. Adobi sez it is not supporting anything past 4.0. Whats up with that. I have a asus tf101 eee.
I purchased a TF700 Saturday. The tablet browser needs Adobe flash player and sends you to the Adobe aps download page then states the program is not available. I need the flash player to animate the NOAA weather map and several other sites with animation.

Any help is greatly appreciated.............
rumor has it, html5 is supposed to be replacing flash. Google it and see if your tablet has or supports it. I just got the ASUS tf300 Transformer and can't play our Pogo games or some video apps. My tab seems to have the html5, but am still in the learning stage with this toy.
it should already come with the flash player, what kind of tablet is it?

Nope, Android tablets do NOT automatically come with Flash player. The only way anyone would have it pre-installed is if the manufacturer did it and I am unaware of any that do.