No More Wallpapers!


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2011
Has anyone noticed that if you select the wallpaper selector app from a home screen or the settings page, all you get are a few installed images? You used to get the choice of using the Photos viewer. Now, you need some kind of a 3rd party photo application to set a wallpaper from a photo file.

I thought that the default app for wallpaper selection was changed, but everything I tried to get things restored failed.
This is probably due to Google making a Wallpaper app available for the Nexus and Pixel devices. Thus the wallpaper selector in the launcher settings has probably been nerfed to only allow you to select the wallpapers embedded in SystemUI.apk unless the Wallpaper app has been installed.

I don't have this issue with Nova Launcher, but that may possibly be due to my having the AOSP gallery from Cyanogenmod 11 installed as a system app, along with having the Wallpaper app thanks to the custom ROM I use (Pure Nexus).
The Google wallpaper application is no different. You can select from its wallpapers, and it claims to get "more new wallpapers every month, which I'm not interested in either. I have only one image for the wallpaper that I want to use. I had to download a 3rd party application, which costs $2 per year, or you get "ads."

This is just really strange, because the wallpaper selector was fine until the last OS update in August, so either I haven't noticed it until now, or they sneaked something in since then. I change the wallpaper with the season, nor an I interested in complicating the device with more apps to do things, like 3rd party launchers; they are only sources for bugs and trouble.
On second thought, the Google wallpaper application does have the familiar wallpaper selector, so thanks for the tip.