No sound from speaker


Aug 19, 2011
I bought a Coby Kyros 7015a about 8 months ago. Everything was going great, and a couple of months ago, I upgraded the firmware. I mostly use headphones, so I was surprised to find out yesterday that no sound is coming from the speaker. I am not sure if it is related to the firmware since I just realized I have the problem. Sound works perfectly with the headphones. Any ideas on how to fix it?

Thanks in advance
check your volume settings might have it too low or off! not the ones on top but the one in settings where you can adjust the notification,ringer,media,etc
Thanks for your responses. Tried the settings from the beggining, nothing, all volumes at maximum. I don't see why the speaker would have died but guess that's a possibilty. I do think it was the update, though. Only thing is I can't seem to be able to go back or anything. Will try rooting it and see what happens.
I think popeye's on the right track. Someone else had this problem recently and it turned out to be in the headset connector. Try gently poking around in the headset port with a toothpick or something (Not Metal) and see if the sound pops up. IMHO, if you have headset sound, you have sound. It's a matter of getting it to the speaker.
It is definitely hardware, I rooted it this weekend and upgraded to Gingerbread, and no change, so I guess it is not software. I tried poking around in the headset connector, no luck. So I guess, it is back to radioshack.