

Oct 8, 2012

I'm a noobie to android and this forum. I hope someone can help me out without getting too technical for me (won't be hard!).

I have a Coby Kyros 7016 and I have no contacts icon or apk (that I can find). This isn't a real big deal, but an email address book could come handy. I don't need to "sync' to anything or build a very big book, but it'd be nice to have.

Any help appreciated.
Hi Richard, congratulations on your new Coby Kyros and welcome to the forum. If/when you have a problem or a question specific to your tablet, the Coby Generation 1 forum would be the place to go. Just click that link and you'll be there. I'm going to move this thread over there for you, so more of the folks who have that tablet can discuss your question and try to help out. Good luck!