Notion Hacks needs you help!


Jan 14, 2011
"The A-Team at Notion Ink Hacks takes pride in our secrecy and the ability
to get things done. We are very close to porting Honey Comb for both the
Notion Ink Adam and the Viewsonic GTab. However, we need your help to find
a Tegra based Boot.img and System.img for Honey Comb. If you leak this to
us we will keep your identity hidden and protect you. Only I have access
to my email account and anything emailed via the form on the front of the
site only goes to me. Post the files on a rapidshare account or your
favorite file sharing site. Next email me via the contact form on the
front of the site. I will download the files and notify you to delete them
off your account. I will then delete your email and it will be like I
never knew you existed."

The contact form for the website is below:
Contact : Notion Ink Hacks – Notion Ink Adam – Development, Hacking, Modifications & Forums

As it has been said the Team need both a Valid Boot image and a System image to be able to create the right ports, this work will benefit both the NI Adam and the GTab so i will post this again in the GTab section. We are not asking you to go out of your way to thief these resources but if you do own a device and wish to help us please use the link included or PM me and i will make sure it is passed on to the big guys.


Forums like Notioninkhacks and Notionaddicts will have the users you are looking for... Or wherever the pre-orders are tied to... Hopefully you find what you need...
we have also posted threads on those forums as well as a few others but it seems our efforts are in vain as they are slowly being closed due to some sort of piracy claim :( anyway it seems like someone has creates the needed files and now its a case of getting them to the right people :) thanks for the help though (Y)