Notion ink Accessories & Cases


Jan 14, 2011
Hi guys, long time reader.....first time poster :) I managed to get into the second batch of orders and due to the problems I faced in the first round they even bumped me up into the press section meaning I get it ahead of the second batche'rs. Eagerly awaiting my Adam I came to the conclusion that I will need a tough case to put it in as it will be travelling with a Tank that is my Alienware m17x, having a little look around I could not find any good Adam specific cases or accessories? I remember reading early in the Adam development that they would have a large range of gear available for when the Adam finally hit the customers but so far the only thing you get with an Adam is that little cardboard kickstand that comes out the box.

So maybe if people have a clue could we create a list is accessories and cases that will work with the Adam so that when more people do receive their Adams they have a place to go?
Hey Nobby,
I'm developing a case for Adam called goliath protection. It'll be really lightweight and durable. As well as including a built in stand for both portrait and landscape mode, I've thrown up some renders at
take a look, its still in development/prototype phase but with some user input and some fine tuning it should be ready to go in a month or so. What would your dream case be like? I'm taking suggestions from users as users know best, and collaboration is more than the sum of its parts!;)

Here's version latest version!
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Hi...I like this a lot...Is there anyway you can add hinges so I can clip something to it.
I would like the option to strap it across my shoulder. So something like two clips or metal rings at the side would be nice. Then I can clip a laptop strap across it.
Just a thought.

Thank you.
Excited to hear about people making adam-specific cases.

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