Notion Ink Adam, Whats this 'unannounced sensor'


Sep 19, 2010
I keep reading about this unannounced sensor on the Notion Ink Adam and was wondering if anyone knows what it is, it seems to be linked with the camera but I have come up with a few suggestions that might be:

Sun exposure sensor
; to warn of being in the sun too long because you can.

Hands off guesture sensor, I have see this demonstrated where waving a had near a device adjusts a setting like volume

IrDDa, makinga come back?

electrostatic sensor to detect when its being used on someones lap

temperature and humididity sensor for really lolcal weather

Does anyone have more ideas of good sensors to put in a tablet?
going by the wish list folks have generated so far for Adam (in Rohan's blog etc), it may not be far fetched to think possibly it could 'read' human pulse?
going by the wish list folks have generated so far for Adam (in Rohan's blog etc), it may not be far fetched to think possibly it could 'read' human pulse?

The human pulse sensor is being developed by MIT and being put into mirrors, not tablets. However is responce to the original question im not sure if this is what you are looking for but aparently there are touchpad sensors on teh back for easy navigation without touching the screen, this seems to be similar to what i have heard about the PSP Phone supposidly running Android 3.0, ill keep a look out though
The track pad on the back will take some getting use to bu thats a known.
I was looking at their site last night and thespecifications do not mention a Digital Compass, so I'm more worried that full use of 3d space will be denied the ADAM.
Notion Ink - Adam
I have e-mailed them to confirm.

The light magniture is a good idea but do not cameras already do light level sensing?
They do not mention proximity sensor in the specs but do mention ambiant light.

I did think that they might put in 'face recognition' as the unknown sensor.

On another point I still dont know if it will have access to theh Android market but even with potentially ugly scaling issues there are a lot of Apps that would be worth having on a tablet,
Anyone know any more?
Well there is a digital compass according to the site, so phew.

As for that unknown sensor..
Those tantalizing descriptions made me think that the camera might also work in infrared, as a camera. Interesting if it is. Can you imagine setting up the camera in a car in foggy weather and glancing at that screen to see ahead. If the camera/ tablet is fast enough then it should be feasible, and of cause wandering around at night.
Hows this for a laugh.
Also just thinking about it. Since the transflective version can be used outside then I think it needs solar cells to help charge the battery. Some of those new transparent ones or making up the transflective screen (obvious limitation here though ;)
PixelQ has a wireless display technology that allows to use the panel as a second display to a computer. Can it be ?
Their second video shows a card slot on the bottom hat has nowhere been explained
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