Notion Ink Early Access


Aug 27, 2010
Notion Ink Early Access

Notion Ink
Welcome On Board!

Posted in Uncategorized by Rohan Shravan on October 20, 2010
Hello There!

Greetings from Notion Ink!

You exchanged some emails with us regarding your interest in writing apps for the Adam. You wanted to know about SDKs, the API, the User Interface… but the most common question of all was, “When can I get my hands on some sample hardware?”

At Notion Ink, we’re humbled by your incredible enthusiasm, and the patience you have shown over the months since CES and MWC. We’re delighted to inform you that your wait is coming to an end – we’re launching the Notion Ink Early Access Program today.

Underlining our commitment to making the Adam a great platform for developers, the first 200 production quality Adams will go to developers chosen from among you. But 200 is already a small number and the competition to get into this program is really very hot! Till now we have selected a few and they took no time to convince us that they more than deserved to be in there.

All what you need, is to register on the newly launched Notion Ink Developers Website and fill up the “Early Access Program Form”. We will be extremely interested in the application you will be designing (if you are a developer) or the kind of test you will be performing, so be 200% sure that you’ll enter all the details properly (few of the people whom we have selected, sent us their current applications or shared their FSD/PRD to explain their plans).

You can return to the form and modify your application until midnight (IST) Wednesday, 3rd of November 2010.

On the 10th of November, we’ll let you know if you’ve been selected. If you’re one of the lucky 200, you will just be one short step away from ordering an Adam to be shipped to your address, anywhere in the world!

Your application may be more favorably considered as you’ve already had some discussions with us – make sure you use the same email address while signing up as you used during your communication.

With Warm Regards

EAP Team

Notion Ink Design Labs

Copyright 2010, Notion Ink Design Labs, All rights Reserved

This was the email sent first to the people who registered with us (sent email). They have their email ids and information communicated as their Privilege Tokens. But if you are also interested, please follow the steps written above.

With Warm Regards

Rohan Shravan

[Update: Getting a lot of comments on fee part. It wasnt supposed to be there and is already been corrected.


Just thought I'd share this, ecxiting news^^
In other words, if you're a developer, go to the notion ink blog and apply to get early access on the Adam in november for the first 200 shipped. or such and such sorry in a hurry.
Sounds like they are going to ship the thing when AFTER all the other Tegra 2s hit the market.
Up till now I have been excited about Adam. But I've lost intrest in it because it's taking too long. I think I'll go with the XOOM.:mad: