Notion Ink's Eden UI Ported to Work on Viewsonic gTablet


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010

So it seems that there are only minor differences between the Notion Ink Adam and the other existing Tegra 2 10" tablets after-all, just as we expected.

There has already been an 'alpha' port of the Eden UI onto the Viewsonic gTablet on XDA. Now there are quirks with this early port, but what is more of interest for many is the possibility of porting original AOSP firmwares back onto the Notion Ink to replace the heavy customizations by Notion Ink.

Here's what Blake of IntoMobile had to say about Eden UI on the gTablet:
After playing with Eden for a while, I’ve come to the conclusion that, in some ways, it’s better than the videos. In other ways, though, it’s just as bad as we’d thought. The UI is simply too much, and not enough, all at the same time. There’s quite a learning curve to Eden, and it lacks any of the look and feel of Android that we’ve come to expect from the Google mobile OS.

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I just played around the Eden UI on Gtab for a few hours before I flashed back to TNT lite. I agree with the review, the UI is so confusing and it is too much for me. Half of the time, i have no idea what to do and how to do things.. :confused:

In summary, the UI looks very cool but it takes time to get used to. The question for me was do I want to get used to it. the answer was NO. the stock software of gtab (TapNCrap was bad but at least it was very easy to figure out how to use it).

Not sure why companies spend a lot of time and effort to build a layer on top of the stock android UI. Can they create something like ADW launder or Launder Pro to allow us to customize the UI and build some useful apps instead..

Viewsonic's Tnt, Toshiba, Notion Ink... all did the same. I hope that Honeycomb will change it.. and they can spend more time/effort to build some cool apps instead..:cool: