nvflash not working


May 30, 2011
Was running gtabcomb 3.1. Got a new external card so thought I would erase/format it in settings. Found out the hard way that the internal/external cards are reversed,so everything was wiped....no system,data,cache,etc. No luck moving anything to the tablet regular usb mode...says to insert a disc when I try to move anything to the drive "G". Have followed step-by-step directions and used nvflash files from several sites to get the tablet back up,,,,,no luck. My win7 computer sees the tablet in apx mode(shows in devices and printers).I run the nvflash .bat file, and the message reads "nv flash is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file". Even tried the "emergency" format nvflash file...same thing. Run out of options here.....any ideas????????????
Thanks for the reply....ran the battery all the way down, tried nvflash again....had five nvflash files......the.bat was bad in the first four..... the fifth put everything in. Like you say in your posts......don't hurry.

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