Odd Wifi problem...


Senior Member
Mar 1, 2011
I have had my tablet with me all day today. I had gotten on line at home, my inlaws house, and at my friends house. but now I am home and It keeps saying unsuccessful.
My daughter has the same tab, bought the same day at the same CVS and hers connects fine.
The laptops connect fine. even with no one else connected I can't connect.
Any ideas?

I did a reset to default on everything on my router. started from scratch and set it all up again and still mine wont connect my my daughters will.
I have had my tablet with me all day today. I had gotten on line at home, my inlaws house, and at my friends house. but now I am home and It keeps saying unsuccessful.
My daughter has the same tab, bought the same day at the same CVS and hers connects fine.
The laptops connect fine. even with no one else connected I can't connect.
Any ideas?

I did a reset to default on everything on my router. started from scratch and set it all up again and still mine wont connect my my daughters will.

Drop the current config and install your key again?? Maybe you did this -but worked for me b4. I have no idea why this tab does what it does at times. Cashe cleaning would be another thing to try.
:) yes I had it "forget" the network. and re entered the key. no good.
I just dont know...
To update the wireless rt2870 device, I installed the rt2870.bin firmware that I downloaded from Ralink Web site. The version of the firmware for rt2870 on Ralink Web site is RT2870_Firmware_V22.

Put rt2870.bin in the same directory as adb then use the following command.

adb push rt2870.bin /system/etc/firmware
adb reboot

Once device is back on go to Wi-Fi setting > Wi-Fi and uncheck then re-check and scanning returned.
To update the wireless rt2870 device, I installed the rt2870.bin firmware that I downloaded from Ralink Web site. The version of the firmware for rt2870 on Ralink Web site is RT2870_Firmware_V22.

Put rt2870.bin in the same directory as adb then use the following command.

adb push rt2870.bin /system/etc/firmware
adb reboot

Once device is back on go to Wi-Fi setting > Wi-Fi and uncheck then re-check and scanning returned.

What is the RT2870? is that what the tablet really is? is it the wireless card? Would this put my tablet's firmware from DG2.01 to DG2.02?

I'm concerned about trying this without more information as my tablet apparently doesn't have a recovery image. When I boot with menu and power buttons, I get the prompt asking to hit them again to restore. When I do I just get the "no image found try recovery from SD".
Stone _ I believe he is just telling you to re-install something that is already part of your tablet's OS programming. I know that file is listed currently as the system go-to file for wireless connections.

Also, didn't someone (lol probably cfrockit) mention something about download the recent OTA file for this tablet and place it on your SD card. I think we all would love to know how you got that little statement and all holding with baited breathe to find out if it indeed finds the image. Read that post again for instructions. I have read on recoveries with android it looks for recovery images sooooooooooo yours says I haven't got it on hard drive hmmmmmmm maybe SD ..then computer says nope ..and is telling youu...SD is the place to be. Warning I am knob very knob and I do not want you to brick your device and take no responsibility ..research you may be on to something VERY important...all I know is when things go bad really bad for me..I hope I get that SD prompt if no hard drive recovery is available. hope I didn't give anyone brain freezes- I babble good hehe enough to drive an engineer right off the peak of a mountain good (least I think so lol)

cfrockit- If I can help research anything for you I am here - You sure know what your doing compared to me. I am a quick study. I just left my windows/dos experience behind me and install SUSE 11.4 rc1. I am a knob as mentioned before -but some understanding hehe some ...you know that little pebble on the side of the road no not that one the littler one lol That's my android knowledge! On windows started in to sdk and all that- haven't got it going yet with linux.
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I didnt want to bother with it. I wiped it and exchanged it. I think it was just a bad one. I was using it like MAD for a week..
Well that makes things all better : ). I wouldn't be able to do that I did ebay. They had it for a week (policemen's wife -xmas gift- didn't like it). Got it for 129 delivered.
What is the RT2870?

It's the Wi-Fi Networking 802.11x device built in to the hardware. Just like a Wi-Fi adapter in a computer it has a driver which can be updated by replacing the binary file.

natura said:
cfrockit- If I can help research anything for you I am here - You sure know what your doing compared to me.

Thanks I was/am a noob but received great assistance for bigwooly and many other forums and websites. I have gained a lot of knowledge in just a little over two months to apply to this device just by trial and error. What's the worst that can happen, it's a sub $150 toy tablet.
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I guess I got mine for a heck of a deal.... $99 @ CVS

Bought 2 of them and gave one to my mom...
I did the wifi driver update and I am still having issues with it dropping and not re-connecting. I finally just did a factory reset and deleted all the info on it and it seems to be working better... It still isnt liking Pandora.

As I write this, the wifi has died again, but it looks like it is trying to connect. OK, it seems to not like IMPlus either...
Mines not connecting at all. I go to turn on wifi and it just comes up with 'searching for networks' and doesnt do a thing after that. really annoying, I used it last night and it was fine, before that it hadnt even been used much. anyone know anything?
Mines not connecting at all. I go to turn on wifi and it just comes up with 'searching for networks' and doesnt do a thing after that. really annoying, I used it last night and it was fine, before that it hadnt even been used much. anyone know anything?
Welcome to the forum

See if you can find a solution by checking out the link in my signature. You will eventually get to a page specifically dedicated to WiFi issues.