Off Line Mapping on your Wits A81


Dec 14, 2010
Hi there

Been looking for a good mapping (routing) app for ages.

Well just found one (NavDroyd) can be used as GPS when your GPS is on or as a mapping and routing program when (NO GPS) costs £5 on the market. but well worth it.

Works Great you will need a SD card 2GB or better I would say but it loads the whole of your chosen map to the Wits on the sdcard.

You can also route plan using the normal from - to format then it tells you where to turn and shows on map, also can try out the route if you want turn by turn.

Great little app and works a treat. can be motor or walking, who could ask for more.

Take care, bye

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Hi Guys
Sorry it's a bit limited when you route, and sends you down odd roads (not fastest)
Still worth having I think but maybe for walking?
Take care, bye
Better than osmand which i cant get to load its own maps, or navit which has major search issues finding a road and would not display a route over 120km. Also found navdroyd just loaded and worked, bonus it installed to sd card. Routes been ok so far, over here in NZ anyway.