Okays then, a couple of easy ones to break you in gently


Jan 13, 2013
  1. I did a system upgrade and now it says Android version 4.1.1 and Kernel version 3.1.10 - Is this good/right/correct cause I can't see any damn Jellybeans, is it this mystical JB or IC?
  2. Desktop/Tiles - what are they called in Android world? and how come some apps turn up on my 'desktop' and some need 'added' to tiles by clicking on the + sign.
  3. On the same theme, how do you move icons off the desktop into tiles?
  4. Also on the same theme, how do you create new 'tiles'?
  5. How do you move tiles?
  6. Network Printer - strike this one, have got that working.

ok, told you there were noob Q's, that should do for starters

Much appreciated

Goon' :cool:
Hi Gooner. Yes indeed Android version 4.1.1 is Jellybean operating system which is the upgrade from ICS or Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0. The icons you see on the screen are called Apps. To move the apps around you need to tap and hold the App icon and then drag it to where you want it. In Jellybean you can drag one App icon onto another to form "folders" You can do that with games to keep your games together. To access you apps you open the App drawer then drag the App to the side of the screen and then to the screen you want to keep it on. You should check your manual to access all these functions and if you don't have a manual that covers Jellybean then there's plenty of demo videos how to do all that on YouTube. Enjoy!
Congrats on your new tablet. See my answers in bold.

  1. I did a system upgrade and now it says Android version 4.1.1 and Kernel version 3.1.10 - Is this good/right/correct cause I can't see any damn Jellybeans, is it this mystical JB or IC? - Definitely Jelly Bean. Tap rapidly on the android version in the About section to play with some Jelly Beans!
  2. Desktop/Tiles - what are they called in Android world? and how come some apps turn up on my 'desktop' and some need 'added' to tiles by clicking on the + sign. There is a setting in the Play Store (tap Menu key in top right, then settings) and you can have it automatically add shortcuts to the home screen. I personally have this turned off and add them as I want them. All apps are in the app drawer (6 boxes icon)
  3. On the same theme, how do you move icons off the desktop into tiles? Long press an icon and move it around. Drag to the top of the screen to a "Remove" or trash can icon to remove it from the home screen. This will not uninstall it.
  4. Also on the same theme, how do you create new 'tiles'?Not sure what you are asking. You can create folders by dropping apps on top of each other. If you want new icons, or widgets (like weather, inbox, etc) you will need to install the app or widget to get the options in the app/widget drawer
  5. How do you move tiles?Long press and move them around. Release to drop
  6. Network Printer - strike this one, have got that working.
Hi Gooner. Yes indeed Android version 4.1.1 is Jellybean operating system which is the upgrade from ICS or Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0. The icons you see on the screen are called Apps. To move the apps around you need to tap and hold the App icon and then drag it to where you want it. In Jellybean you can drag one App icon onto another to form "folders" You can do that with games to keep your games together. To access you apps you open the App drawer then drag the App to the side of the screen and then to the screen you want to keep it on. You should check your manual to access all these functions and if you don't have a manual that covers Jellybean then there's plenty of demo videos how to do all that on YouTube. Enjoy!
Thanks for the response guys, much appreciated.
Point 4. By tiles I dont know what they are called irl, but I mean there is one called 'Social' one called 'Media', How do I put one there called say 'Kids Games', or 'Office'?
I tried putting two icons on top of each other following your suggestion, hopeing that they would 'spawn' a new tile/group, but no, I just had two icons on top of each other which I could only delete. I know this is prob so simple but sigh....
Thanks for the response guys, much appreciated.
Point 4. By tiles I dont know what they are called irl, but I mean there is one called 'Social' one called 'Media', How do I put one there called say 'Kids Games', or 'Office'?
I tried putting two icons on top of each other following your suggestion, hopeing that they would 'spawn' a new tile/group, but no, I just had two icons on top of each other which I could only delete. I know this is prob so simple but sigh....

It sounds like you're talking about folders. It's been so long since I had the stock screen UIs that I don't remember how they work. Have you tried looking at the widgets after you open the applications menu/page? I think there will be a folder widget in there.

Edit: Yes, in fact I see one. It's called "Folder Shortcut". Oops! Never mind, that's something else. I'll keep looking.

OK, I can't find it. But I did watch the UI Intro movie, and I think I saw something about it in there. Have you seen the movie yet? I think it's about two minutes.

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Last edited:
It sounds like you're talking about folders. It's been so long since I had the stock screen UIs that I don't remember how they work. Have you tried looking at the widgets after you open the applications menu/page? I think there will be a folder widget in there.

Edit: Yes, in fact I see one. It's called "Folder Shortcut". Oops! Never mind, that's something else. I'll keep looking.

OK, I can't find it. But I did watch the UI Intro movie, and I think I saw something about it in there. Have you seen the movie yet? I think it's about two minutes.

Sent from my IdeaTabA2109A using Tapatalk HD

Ok, I went back to stock for a minute, and I see what I think you're talking about. If you click the Apps button (top right of the screen), then click on Widgets, you'll see folders labeled 'Business', 'Games', etc. You can drop these on your desktop. As far as I can tell, you cannot change their labels.