OlivePad VT100 7" Android 2.1 Tablet Phone


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010

Here's an Android 2.1 tablet with a 7" 800x480 screen, with phone functionality. Previous specifications (Techknot) revealed a Qualcomm MSM7227 ARM11 CPU at 600 MHz. This makes it significantly less potent than Dell Streak, and the $500US equivalent price tag makes this device completely unjustifiable for a device that will never see Adobe Flash because of the weak CPU. The chipset used in this device very close to a phone, such as the HTC Legend, which shares the chipset.

The 512MB RAM paired with this device will make this build of Android run smoothly, but users will be disappointed at the lack of functionality given the price tag. Upgrades to future versions of Android are very possible. The popularity of the chipset in Android modding communities (Cyanogenmod for MSM7227) can only help its cause.

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This seems to get a really nice device but I am a bit excited about the price^^

And - sorry, but I can't stand the way the Indian guy uses to speak english... ;-)
These guys talk way tooo fast. Slow down buddy and let me get the info. OK 7 inches is good, 2.1 android is better. Good tablet!!!
I think this is a very good beginning,you should have giving this device some muscles, instead of thinking " THEY WILL BUY IT,JUST iNsTALL ANDROID". Just my thoughts
Video playback should be pretty horrible on that CPU actually... 480p mp4 and not much else...
Hi Guys,

I am from India and yesterday bought the Olive Pad. The device was impressive at the price tag. (Galaxy Tab was at Rs. 38K, Dell Streak at Rs. 35K and Olive at Rs. 24K).

It is a bit heavy than the Tab but felt sturdier. It came with a 16GB memory card and a smart leather carry case.

The touchscreen on the display (test) device at the store was not very responsive compared to the Tab. I felt at many points that the touch screen was a bit erratic. This could have been an issue with that specific piece.

My Olive pad's touch screen went for a toss within 6-7 hours of playing around. I ended returning the device today to the store and took a replacement. The replacement's touch screen also got spoilt within 30 minutes and did not respond at all.

Even if the device responded it was very laggy. The reason for the slow laggy response could be the processor.

On a whole my experience with the product was not good. I tried 3 devices and all had issues with the touch screen with the 3rd device's touch screen stopping completely. (I did get my money back from the store and booked the HTC Wildfire. Will get the delivery in a couple of days).

I would recommend passing this device, till the company improves upon the quality.

For any further info on the Olive Pad feel free to ping me.

@rsnfunky - so sorry to hear about your olive tabelt. Been a month since i have brought mine and thankfully there have been no probs. But wanted to ask a Quick question about the OlivePad android tablet...is there any way you can root this tablet? If yes what are steps to undertake this? Additionally in case things go wrong, whats the procedure to recover from that..?