ONDA V711D - Flashed V5 to V1 Tablet - Can't Flash Back to V1


Sep 6, 2012
Hey guys, i was hoping that somebody could help me out.

I accidently flashed the wrong firmware to my V1 tablet and now it doesn't go into recovery anymore and i can't get the PC to recognize it to flash with the USB tool. I've tried updating via the SD Card method, but when holding down the home + Power Button, the tablet loads up normally to the desktop, but no recovery Also pushing the little reset button completely shuts down the tablet.

The firwmare that I now have, that i need to flash is the V711D_2.0.zip , which is supposed to be for V1. When going into the settings of the tablet it looks like i flashed a 2.1 version to it :(

-Sometimes it doesn't go past the little android guy, and sometimes it does, and it loads the desktop.
-When pressing home+power with the SD card in while booting, it just goes straight to desktop.
-If i press home+power with the SD card not plugged in, but immediately plug it in once the power comes on (still holding home), the white android guy comes up, the screen goes black for a few seconds, and the white android guy pops back up, but just hangs there.

When the tablet loads up fine, there is no accelerometer and no wifi. But pretty much everything else works. I would even just settle for the wifi working. It pretty much useless without wifi, for me atleast. I'm not really sure what to do anymore as I've tried a bunch of the solutions mentioned in other threads, but nothing seems to work.

The most I got from the PC was "ONDA MID", but it just loaded it as a storage decive. I saw someones post about shortening two pins out, but i would reeeeeeally want to try that as a last resort.

If anybody could help me out it would me much much appreciated. Thanks

If i am leaving out some info that is needed please just let me know. Thanks again :)
Well, i think I'm going to have to go the shortening the TF-PIN route as I've tried everything.

I have the tablet open and there is only one flash chip called Flash 1, but I have no idea which pins to short out. On the chip it says H27UCG8T2MYR.

Would anyone happen to know which pin i should short?

I believe this is the datasheet, any help would be much much appreciated, thanks.
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i went thru all the pins on my v701 till i found the 1's that worked ... it didn't hurt the tablet ... maybe i was lucky ? ... try it at your own risk ! : )
i went thru all the pins on my v701 till i found the 1's that worked ... it didn't hurt the tablet ... maybe i was lucky ? ... try it at your own risk ! : )

Great, thanks for the info. Did you have to ever cut the red battery wire, like some others did? I am about to give the pins a shot and see what happens. Thanks again.
cutting the wire is not needed unless after trying all the pins it doesnt reset .... don't crack your screen ! ... good luck : )
Quick question. At what point did you hear Windows detect the tablet? I've tried every single pin and a few times it loaded to the desktop and Windows detected it, but wasn't able to install the Driver. It would just say "Android" or "ONDA MID" in device manager, or it would show up as Hard Drive Storage letters. I wasn't able to install the driver this way.

One time and only once, i hear Windows detect it as soon as it loaded up at the White Android (i got very excited). I heard the noise, but didn't pop up on Windows XP screen. I couldn't replicate it tho even doing it over on the same pins.

Every other time it would just hang on the white android and just stay there.

Also, how were you able to do everything at once as far as bridging the pins and being able to press the Home+Power buttons?

I am using a very thin piece of metal (i took the metal piece out from the colored ties that comes with bread, lol) that fits snug in between each pin and I'm pretty sure it is causing a bridge (hopefully).

Man, this really stinks. I think i might have to desolder the red wire from the battery and see what happens.

Thanks again for your help man, much appreciated.
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I actually made some progress and got Windows to recognize the tablet and install the driver as "World Cup Device". I started to flash the new firmware and now have a new problem where it doesn't get passed 75%. I spent waaaaay too many hours on this today and am going to start fresh tomorrow and see if I can finally get it working.
This is like one hurdle after another. Its like my device is now stuck in recovery mode or something. Now i can unplug my tablet and replug it and it automatically detects "World Cup Device" every time without having to press the Home+Power. I had it unplugged overnight and just plugged it in to try again and the same thing. I detects "World Cup Device" without having to press any buttons.

I dont see anything on the screen anymore as far as charging icon or white android.

I do have the red wire cut at the moment (not sure if that matters).

I cant get passed 75% in the USB Burning Tool no matter what. Once it gets to 75%, a pop up on the bottom right says "USB Device Not Recognized". I have no idea what to do now. Here is the log, and this is what happens every single time. Would anybody have any ideas on what i could try.

Im using Windows XP Black Edition SP3, English.

Saving log to: log\usb_2013-09-16-08-42-56.log System: Microsoft Windows XP
Tool version: v1.6.22
W/ Import upgrade file C:\V711D_v2.0\USB-Burning-tool-v1.6.22\resources\Resource.V711D_v2.0.zip
W/ [P1][08:44:16]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:16]Transfer Complete! total size is 18472 Bytes

E/ [P1][08:44:17]Spl code,identy(-1)
E/ [P1][08:44:17]Load uboot failed 1 times

E/ [P1][08:44:18]Spl code,identy(-1)
E/ [P1][08:44:18]Load uboot failed 2 times

E/ [P1][08:44:19]Spl code,identy(-1)
E/ [P1][08:44:19]Load uboot failed 3 times

E/ [P1][08:44:21]Spl code,identy(-1)
E/ [P1][08:44:21]Load uboot failed 4 times
E/ [P1][08:44:21]Load uboot failed 3 times, retry from 0 step

W/ [P1][08:44:22]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:22]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:23]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:23]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:24]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:24]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P5][08:44:23]Loading spl ...
W/ [P5][08:44:23]Identify return 8 ,slip load spl

W/ [P1][08:44:25]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:25]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P5][08:44:25]Transfer Complete! total size is 518688 Bytes

W/ [P1][08:44:26]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:26]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:27]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:27]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:28]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:28]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:29]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:29]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:30]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:30]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:31]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:31]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:32]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:32]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:33]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:33]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:34]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:34]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:35]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:35]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:36]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:36]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:37]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:37]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:38]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:38]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:39]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:39]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:40]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:40]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:41]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:41]before loadSpl, identify return -1

W/ [P1][08:44:42]Loading spl ...
W/ [P1][08:44:42]before loadSpl, identify return -1
E/ [P1][08:44:42]Load spl failed 20 times,maybe because rom code cannot run

E/ [P1][08:44:43]failed because no connected device ,current step is 0

W/ [P5][08:44:51]Cmd --> (set_chgcur 0)(0)
W/ [P5][08:44:51]Cmd --> (video dev bl_off)(0)
W/ [P5][08:44:51]Cmd --> (video dev disable)(0)

W/ [P5][08:44:51]Cmd --> (sf probe 2)(0)
W/ [P5][08:44:52]Cmd --> (sf erase 0 100000)(0)

W/ [P5][08:45:12]Cmd --> (nand erase 4000000)(0)

W/ [P5][08:45:25]Cmd --> (defenv)(0)

W/ [P5][08:45:25]Cmd --> (setenv bootargs ${bootargs} a9_clk_max=600000000)(0)

W/ [P5][08:45:26]Cmd --> (cmd_in_mem 0x82000000)(0)
W/ [P5][08:45:26]Cmd --> (save)(0)

W/ [P5][08:45:27]Transfer Complete! total size is 4110336 Bytes

W/ [P5][08:45:28]Cmd --> (bootm 0x82000000)(0)

E/ [P5][08:46:06]failed because no connected device ,current step is 18

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Anybody have any ideas that i could try? I still haven't made any progress since the last post. Any help would be great.
I have actually reconnected the battery sometime last week and was still getting the same results; progress stopping @ 80%. I just tried plugging it in to the usb in the laptop again today after about a week of not touching it and still without having to press any buttons at all, Windows XP detects it as "World Cup Device". How is this even possible if the tablet is off?

I really wish i could use this thing again D: