Onda V811 Completely Dead?


May 11, 2013
hello all,
i have Onda V811, i tried to flash it with V811D_v2.11SD, and the battery was not more that 20%, but i didnt care about it since am connecting the tablet to the charger, anyway, while falshing, the tablet turned off, and nothing after that... i cant turn it on, when i un-plug the power and plug it again there is no charging battery on the screen, the combination of Home&power is not working, the connecting to XP is usless( neither World Cup World nor Tablet).....

i read about bricked issue, and checked how to open the tablet and short-circuit the two pins, but i noticed that this procedure is done if that tablet cant go to recovery mode, i dont know about my case?!!!! did i brick my tablet?

please advice me what to do.... anyone faced such a problem...

your help is highly appreciated, my kids is waiting me to fix it, this is the first one for them and got it just 1 week ago...

Dear All,
i tried to open the tablet, in order to unbrick it, and tried to bridge some pins (as the photo of "umar_fiaz" in Unbrick ONDA V811 (100% working) but failed, mine is V811DAD3V7A00865, please help in locating the TF-boot pins.

also please confirm my understanding of how to unbrick the tablet:
1-) open the tablet.
2-) connect it to XP through the USB cable, and open the device manager in order to check if XP can detect the tablet (at this moment there will no any response...)
3-) bridge the TF-boot pins, and while this press Home and Power together, the device manager should detect it now, after detecting, release the pins.
4-) now it should be ready to re-flash again using suitable firmware using a USB flashing tool.

please help me in this problem

thanks in advacne..
hi Emran,
your device is onda v811 v7 which is different from v1 to v6; I suggest you to try these pins
may it works :)
Dear umar_fiaz,
thanks for your reply, actually, i managed to fixed it, i realized that my NAND flash memory chip is different that what you have, look to the attached photo, i found that those are the TF-boot pins, now it returned to life again...View attachment 10903
i hope this photo will help people who are facing the same problem...

by the way; who long the battery suppose to last if the kids are playing games on it? does it really effect playing games than working on the net like web browsing, youtube, maps, facebook,....???

thanks again...
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Hi, I have unbranded device which is currently bricked, it only boots to recovery and cannot be recognized by Actions Pad Product Tool. I disassembled it and noticed that it uses same chip as Onda V811. Which pins I need to short to force this to flash mode? Using normal button combinations do not work, tried everything.
I have the same problem. First, it was just a white android logo. After using AML it turns off and didn't come back to life. Still, it can be detected on my computer. I guess my device already deep brick. I tried to reflash it with AML but no luck. Any solution guys?

The tablet have no sign even Android logo gone.