Onda Vi40 Screen Turning Problem


May 23, 2012
Hello, I`m a happy user of the Onda vi40 tablet for about 2 months, but a few weeks ago a problem arised. My screen stopped responding to turning the tablet to any sides, it just stays in one position. At the time (and till today) I have been using original Onda 1.0 firmware, and did not play with any system files, so in my opinion, it could have been an app I installed that caused it, unfortunately, I don`t know which one, and if this is the cause or not.

Now, more specifically, the screen does turn, but only in 2 cases: a) an app forces it to - for example DrawSomething or b) the tablet is on the locked screen (where you swipe to unlock, or type a password) - in the unlock screen it turns just fine - that puzzles me

I believed that re-flashing would solve this problem, but today I tried 2 different firmwares (installed through LiveSuit like the first time, and with formatting) - Onda Vi40 V3 Vanilla 1.1 firmware, and original 1.1 from Onda - but no help...After the first power on the screen turns 1 or 2 times, or not even that, and then stays in position I turned it on the first time.

So, flashing didn`t help, googling doesn`t seem to return any results on this problem, hence I`m stuck. Does any of you, more skilled in this, have any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
wow, it was that, I would have never guessed. I just thought that the button is there, but not doing anything. Massive thank you liewananda, you made my day...