Opinion from owners of k1


Aug 23, 2011
I am very interested in purchasing a k1 tablet, but need some recent information. Are there any outstanding problems with the tablet? Does it connect to internet well, how good is the gps? How is the support?

thanks much for your time

I bought a K1 on Black Friday for $299.00. I have it and I actually enjoy it a lot!

The screen color is vivid and the screen is very responsive! The speakers are fair and about one of the few things Lenovo could
have improved on.

It has a home screen button but to be honest I rarely use it. Honeycomb has buttons "burnt" into the screen so the home button is not really needed but it is a nice touch.

It supports Netflix, Hulu Plus (with the 'Flash Video Browser' from Amazon App Market) and comes with some sweet games. I have used LogMeIn Ignition and a lot of other apps and it works very well.

I definately recommend it!
Hi all!
I've got a new Lenovo K1 just a couple of days ago as a birthday gift.
I must say, that I've heard about the many issues people were experiencing with that tablet and was a little bit worried.
But it's been a week already and the table is working just fine. I updated it to Honeycombe 3.2 version.
To be honest, I don't have any experience with tablets, this is my first one.
So I haven't checked any advanced features but the basic use is just fine.
I would be thankful, for any tips and advices, about accessories and apps compatible with the Lenovo K1 tablet.
Thanks in advance.
I got mine last week. They were on clearance with an additional $50 off at Staples. Here are some observations.
  1. Make sure you do all of the updates before you start to actually use it. It actually needs to do about 6 or so updates from what came out of the box to the current up-to-date build (K1_A301_14_14_120109_US).
  2. At least with mine, screen auto-brightness doesn't work.
  3. The LeTools method to sync files from my WinXP system SUCKS . I'd much prefer the setup that my Samsung Fascinate phone uses which shows up as USB mass storage.
  4. Coming from phone based Android, the filesystem is very different (is it this way with all honeycomb tablets?). App2SD type apps won't(?) work because the K1 seems to expose the root partition to file manager apps (it's also mounted as /mnt/sdcard) and the microsdhc card is simply mounted as /external_sd (as well as /mnt/sdcard2). Also none of the file and/or task managers seem to be able to show the size and space available on the microsdhc card. The only place that you can see what's there is in the "Setting" app.
  5. The Lenovo IME (soft) keyboard is nice, but you cannot disable the audible key click unless you mute the volume entirely.
  6. I think that only 32GB models are sold in the US, but only 24GB is available for apps and file sync. I'm sure this is true with other tablets, but it would have been nice to have that info up front.
I do like the tablet. Browser performance is good when there is no Flash (especially compared to my single core phone). Game performance is very good, Riptide GP looks awesome. Some folks have complained about the heft of the K1, but it doesn't bother me. I no longer need to carry either my full size laptop or netbook to meetings, the K1 is more than adequate for the light note taking and network access that I require. We also use VMWare VDI at my work, which means in a pinch I can still get access to a full Window 7 system using the VMWare View Client.
I think the majority of K1 problems and solutions (and complaints about the lack of solutions) can be found here...
IdeaPad Slate Tablets - Lenovo Community

I would point out that this is a user forum and tech support does not participate or provide help in that forum. Like here, it is just users helping users.
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I've recently purchased the K1 and am loving it. I am putting a list of things I'd like to find out about, probably more Android in general than the K1 specifically, but I can honestly say that the K1 is superb. As a new Android user I did do plenty of research and the K1 absolutely ticked all my boxes in terms of what I want it to do now and hope it will do in the future. That is apart from Wifi connection to my Windows phone Wifi router, which I'm going to raise a query on in the correct place on this forum.

just received K1 two days , it is kind of complicated . I had Kindle Fire before and I can used it on the first day, the Kindle Fire screen and page (another screen page) are very well organize and more simple compared to K1. After two days still dont know how does the GPS work.
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I heard the new updates had caused a bit of an issue for some applications that you may have..has anyone else heard about this?
Is there a big difference between the K1 and the A1? I know it's a bit off topic but i haven't had time to look at it as i've been swamped with work :/
Is there a big difference between the K1 and the A1? I know it's a bit off topic but i haven't had time to look at it as i've been swamped with work :/

The A1 is a 7" tablet running Android Gingerbread. The K1 is a 10" tablet running Android Honeycomb.
The A1 costs less, runs an older version of Android, and seems to be more stable with fewer problems (based on user feedback posted on the Lenovo ideapad forums).
@PiemJi thanks for the response and information. I've decided to opt for the K1; however, my friends device seems like it's very susceptible to scratches