Ouku Tab


Jan 20, 2011
I did alot of research on tablets and pretty much had it down to 4 tablets. The Kyros 7015, Kyros 7025, Ramos w10 or the herotab C8. The 7015 because of it's large support community but ultimately I decided not to because Coby was pretty crappy about supporting the tablet. Pretty much for the same reason I chose not to buy the new Coby because, **** them.
So I was left with the Herotab or Ramos w10. Even though the Herotab has a capacitive screen I decided on the Ramos because of the AMlogic, Mali Gpu combo.
So I was on Hotmid.com and was completing the Paypal information and just thought, screw this, there are so many tablets with so many different chip sets, with so many android versions, with so many issues, why am I so in a hurry to throw my money at any of these guys.
Ultimately I purchased a Ouku Pad. Nothing flashy, RK 2818a 667mhz and eclair. It works for my purposes right now and even supports flash 10.1 and comes with a camera. I'll wait for these Chinese guys to duke it out for top dog honors before I purchase a tablet over 200.00 from china.
I bought one of these around the beginning of the year and other than the short battery life, it works fairly well. I haven't tried messing with it but just now noticed that the battery usage shows that I should turn on airplane mode which as has been noted by others, it doesn't tell you how to do that. I've installed several widgets which purport to enable airplane mode but the battery usage still shows 77% used by the cell phone function. At any rate that is the reason I'm on this forum.