Our Official Review of the Enso ZenPad 4 (ZT180 EPAD)

Great review! This might be the first serious review I have ever read on an Android tablet!

But do try to note the ROM version in your review somewhere.
Great jod,very detailed. Bravo to you..This will help anyone sitting on the fence. The next question is what's next?? May I suggest a full review of the WITS...
Great jod,very detailed. Bravo to you..This will help anyone sitting on the fence. The next question is what's next?? May I suggest a full review of the WITS...

Thank you! Appreciate the comments. I think I am going to wait for a mainstream product (meaning available in the US). I think the Cruz Tablet is my next review as it is scheduled to go on sale on 10/5... hopefully.
After all this, Enso decides to change their business model and no longer sell to individual consumers. this was posted on their blog today:

Important Announcements

9/8/10 4:13 PM

All the zenPad 4 have been shipped and people who ordered it will receive a tracking number tomorrow.
People who already received a tracking number a few days ago for the zenPad 4 should see it working on http://www.ems.com.cn already, or it will likely work in a couple of days.
For those who ordered a zenPad 2 or a zenPhone (now renamed to zenPad 5 MAEMO by Enso ) shipments are about 7/10 days away.
For the zenDroid we should be able to start shipments within 20/30 days.
We will switch soon business model and sell no more on the retail market, for doing that we need investments, which at the moment we cannot find. We are funding the company with our resources and that's simply not enough to mantain a constant business flow.
We will continue selling on this website, but rather than following a B2C approach we will go all the way B2B.
You will still be able to buy our products but only in lots. That means you will be able to buy a lot of minimum 25 devices, or the likes. We are still deciding these details. Come back on the website in the following weeks to learn more.
Of course this kind of model does appeal much more to business owners than retail consumers!
We are sorry for all the people whom expected us to revolution the market, but the fruits are still not ripe for that moment to come. But we do believe that soon things will change here in Shenzhen, and this city is the fulcrum for any kind of developments, from cheap copies of anything to high-tech quality stuffs.
Paypal, kindly enough, after we mailed them hundreds of times, have started refunding those customers who did not receive originally the zenPad, ordered in March, April, or early June. After many problems we did not have enough goods in stock to ship all the orders. So please just wait until your refund comes if your pertain to this category of customers.
Switching to a B2B only approach will solve all previous delays in shipments, logistic problems, and everything will run more smoothly.
We will of course continue to support products such as the original zenPad, and the versions 2, 3, 4 and 5 on this website and through our email [email protected].
Thanks so much for your support
Alberto Armandi
Enso Limited

Posted in Enso By Alberto Armandi