Pandigita Novel Black; can you replace internal memory card with a larger one?


Mar 30, 2013
Is it possible to substitute a higher capacity internal memory card in the Pandigital Novel Black model?
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I don't know a lot about your specific tablet but my guess is no. Most Android tablets use a special type of memory for storage that is typically soldered onto the system board. I'm not saying it's impossible but it would probably be a ton of trouble, at best.
Welcome to the forum
I don't know a lot about your specific tablet but my guess is no. Most Android tablets use a special type of memory for storage that is typically soldered onto the system board. I'm not saying it's impossible but it would probably be a ton of trouble, at best.

Thanks for response; I was afraid that would be the answer.

I guess maybe the manufacturers figure that people would be more likely to upgrade a tablet to get more memory than a phone. There are descriptions of how to do it on some phones that basically say they are socketed Micro SD, and you just have to be very careful removing and replacng them.
yes it is possible to substitute a higher capacity internal memory card in new model...
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That sounds more hopeful....Then I have two more questions:
First, how di determine is mine is a new model? It is model #PRD7T2WBL1BS
Next, if it is, assuming the card is socketed, is it a MicroSD or a larger regular SD card?
My thought is that leo was misinformed. Leo doesn't even appear to have the same tablet so I may need to stick with my original analysis.