Pandigital freeze

If you have the white Pandigital 7" Novel.. download this firmware -

Next, remove your internal memory card from the pandigital. Use a card reader and put it on your computer. From there delete whatever firmware you have (the .zip file) and move over the new on you downloaded at From there put the card back in, and try to flash again.

If you can't power off (by using reset) wait until the tablet draines. Hook it up to your power source, then try the Power buton + Volume Up.

Report back what happened....

For me, I ended up doing the pinhole refresh & I got my normal WPDN back. All was well again in the world after a few tearful a week ago I used the 11/19 Hack & am LOVIN it. I have a fully functional "tablet" for all intents & purposes anyways..Tonight I just dropped a 4gig chip in the back cuz the 1gig was NOT cuttin it as far as APPS go. I had to use 2 diff Google email addys to get APP MARKET goin but once it did it works perfect. Except ANGRY BIRDS! ARGH!!! Is there ANY version of ANGRY BIRDS that will work on this newly hacked WPDN (11/19 External SD CARD HACK) ? For 2 days I did not wanna put my WPDN down I was havin a blast.. I am kinda a re-re tech wise, at first, once I get it down I am hard to I get comfy with this I may get a new WPDN (I can trade mine in with my anytime for 1 year no questions asked Radio Shack return policy I bought for 20 smackers) cuz my screen is all scratched from a crappola stylus I bought off AMAZON for 2 bucks :p

So, I did the pinhole refresh after that debacle with the FW UPDATE off of the PD site, now it seems however my pinhole restart is MIA, I tried to do it umpteen times when installing the 11/19(used a corrupted even after fat 32 formatting card & it wouldnt take until I used a old 2 gig sd) and I had to use tweezers to remove batt plug like 6 times! THAT was nerve wracking! Those wires were screaming at me to be careful they are so fragile and easy to rip out of the batt plug then your done-zo.

All in all it was a good move to go up to the 11/19 External SD hack. For a noob and the non commital types try it you'll LOOOOOOOOOOOOve it..
can anyone tell me where the reset button is on pandigital ereader 9"
mine is frozen and I know I will screw it up if I try to open the case
Did you check your user manual? If you don't have one I think you can down load them from pandigital, or give them a call.
I just got my Novel 7' White and i tried to update it to the new firmware and its not working. I push the On and Volum button it tries to load then I get the droid with the (!) What is going on??? It freezes but I can push the rest button..
Your unit may have come with the newest firmware. When you try to flash the same version that is the way the unit reacts.
If you have the white Pandigital 7" Novel.. download this firmware -

Next, remove your internal memory card from the pandigital. Use a card reader and put it on your computer. From there delete whatever firmware you have (the .zip file) and move over the new on you downloaded at From there put the card back in, and try to flash again.

If you can't power off (by using reset) wait until the tablet draines. Hook it up to your power source, then try the Power buton + Volume Up.

Report back what happened....

I have a 'dead' (after firmware upgrade) pandigital in front of me and am trying to follow your directions.
When I put the internal microSD in the cardreader I get the message I need to format the drive.
(I don't get that message when I put the external microSD in.)

Please, can anybody help me??
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Hola! I just made an account, turned my pandigital on, and it froze when i went in market. I could put it in sleep mode, but i could not shut it off. I ended up pushing the reset button and it was fine. I was too afraid to pull the back off. Thanks!
I did the firmware upgrade, It completed download to my sc card then I went to press power button and + sound it froze. Now I have a little Android Man on the screen with a triangle and ! sign. Can not power off. Have tried reset button, did not work, still have android man. This has been hours ago and my screen is still up. What can I do.
Plug tablet into computer it will open right away.
alright i got a wpdn that i was reflashing and is now frozen, does not boot just stays black screen, i tried unhooking the battery to let it reset ive tried every reset know to me (power and vol +, reset button and all 3) i cant link to pc so any other ideas? or am i totally bricked
If it is not too much trouble, is it possible for someone to post a step by step guide on how to update these to the newest firmware so that we have android market/google play, along with links to the newest downloads? Thanks in advance.