PanDigital Launches SuperNova Android Tablet for $230


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Here's another decent deal on an Android tablet. It appears that some manufacturers are taking notice of Amazon's pricing model for their Kindle Fire and are trying to follow that lead. PanDigital just launched their SuperNova Android Tablet for $229.99. Here's a breakdown of specs:
  • 8-inch screen with capacitive touch capability
  • Camera on the front and Rear
  • 1GHz Cortex A8 processor.
  • Integrated HDMI output and Bluetooth.
  • 4GB Storage
  • microSD card slot for expansion
This tablet seems to come up short as well, when compared to the Amazon Kindle Fire. It looks like Amazon is going to kill the competition!

Still, this one does have a few external features that the Kindle Fire doesn't... What do you think?

Source: SlashGear
It seems like a fair/descent price to me for what you get. Whether or not it will be able to compete with the Kindle Fire is anyone's guess. Either way at least people have yet another option in the $300 and under range and not everyone is looking for the most super high end tablet, they just need something affordable that works and can perform the basic tasks they need.