pandigital novel internal memory space how do i free up space? PROBLEM HELP PLEASE!


Jun 1, 2012
Hello, I have a pandigital novel black with 2g internal memory and. 16g on the external sdcard. The tablet is stock for the most part, I did unlock the phone using z4 but other then that I do not have any extra applications installed. I am trying to install angry birds rio which is 17.2 mb. My problem is when I go to install the app I get a message telling me that the program can't be viewed and. I need to free up space on my device and try again. I have gone through the tablet and cleared the cache and all of the other data that I can to clear space up,however this is usless an doesn't provide enough space... I HAVE TRIED THIS WITH OTHER 11+MB APPS WITH THE SAME RESULT. I have previously had an array of apps installed far over 17mb an have since uninstalled them through my settings., which is the only thing I can think that would be doing this to my tablet. I feel I am pretty savy with computers but this has me stump. ANY IMPUT, SUGGESTIONS, ADVIVCE WOULD BE APPRECIATED TREMDOUSLY! thank you very much I look forward to see what solution we could come up with.
Hello Derrick, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Pandigital Novel forum for you. Hopefully the folks there, who are familiar with that tablet of yours, will join the discussion and try to help you free up some space. Good luck!
Hello Derrick, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Pandigital Novel forum for you. Hopefully the folks there, who are familiar with that tablet of yours, will join the discussion and try to help you free up some space. Good luck!
Right on,thank you very much