PanDigital White Novel / Tablet Hybrid Max Internal & External Storage RAM

I I finally found aplace to ask questions I have a white pan 7" with that open platform thing I quess it is2.0 droid. I Android having a hard time finding places to get apps also I have some but it keeps telling me to sync this thing is that posible it.says to open a google acount but I have one so I don't gey it..where can I get apps for this thing. It keeps saying it doesn't support this unit or something like that also how do I switch to Android from the 8gb card I have pluged into this thing or does it do that by itself. Let me know please ik stuck. O I'm new als.o
Thanks kev
Ok, if I put a 2 Gig microSD into the slot, can I just start it up, or do I need to install some software on the new Card first? I have the old one out, and before I puit the new one in I want to make sure I won't mess anything up. Sorry if this is posted somewhere else, but I can't find it.
Thanks in advance